புனிதர்களை பெயர் வரிசையில் தேட


04 November 2023

இன்றைய புனிதர்கள் நவம்பர் 5

  St. Emeric

Saint Emeric of Hungary

Prince and heir to the Hungarian throne

Born 1007


Died September 2, 1031

Hegyközszentimre (assumed place)

Venerated in Eastern Orthodox Church

Roman Catholic Church

Canonized 1083, Székesfehérvár by Pope Gregory VII

Major shrine St. Emeric's Church, Székesfehérvár

Feast November 5, in Hungary: September 4 (burial of his relics)

Attributes Boar, Lily Stem, Sword[1]

Patronage Youth, Hungarian Americans

The son of St. Stephen, Hungary's first Christian king. Born in 1007, he did not live to inherit St. Stephen's throne, as he died in a hunting accident. His tomb at Szekesfehervar was a pilgrim's site, and many miracles were reported there. He was canonized with his father in 1083.

Emeric (Hungarian: Szent Imre herceg), also Emericus, Emerick, Emery, Emory, and venerated as Saint Emeric (c. 1007 – 2 September 1031) was the son of King Stephen I of Hungary and Giselle of Bavaria.



Emeric is assumed[2] to be the second son of Stephen I. Named after his maternal uncle Henry II, he was the only one of Stephen's sons who reached adulthood.


Emeric was educated in a strict and ascetic spirit by the Benedictine monk from Venice, Gerard, from the age of 15 to 23. He was intended to be the next monarch of Hungary, and his father wrote his Admonitions to prepare him for this task. His father tried to make Emeric co-heir still in his lifetime.

He married in the year 1022.[3] The identity of his wife is disputed. Some say it was Irene Monomachina, a relative of Byzantine emperor Constantine IX Monomachos,[4] or a female member of the Argyros family to which Byzantine emperor Romanos III Argyros belonged. Other say it was Patricissa of Croatia, the daughter of Krešimir III of Croatia. Another possible person may have been Adelaide/Rixa of Poland or one of her unnamed sisters.

Death and sainthood

The succession plans of Emeric's father could never be fulfilled: on 2 September 1031, at age 24, Emeric was killed by a boar while hunting. It is assumed[2] that this happened in Hegyközszentimre (presently Sântimreu, Romania). He was buried in the Székesfehérvár Basilica. Several wondrous healings and conversions happened at his grave, so on 5 November 1083 King Ladislaus I unearthed Emeric's bones in a large ceremony, and Emeric was canonised for his pious life and purity along with his father and Bishop Gerard of Csanád by Pope Gregory VII.

Emeric is most often pictured in knight's armour with crown and lily. It is believed by some Hungarians that Amerigo Vespucci, the Italian explorer and the namesake of the Americas, was named after the saint, but no proof of this etymology exists

St. Elizabeth  & St. Zachary

புனிதர்கள் சகரியா மற்றும் எலிசபெத்

 வரலாற்று ரீதியாக, இன்று புனித ஜான் பாப்டிஸ்ட்டின் பெற்றோர்களான புனித சகரியா மற்றும் எலிசபெத்தின் பண்டிகை நாள்.  எலிசபெத் என்ற பெயர், பல புனிதர்களின் பெயர், 'வழிபடுபவர்' என்று பொருள்.  புனித லூக்காவின் நற்செய்தியில் கூறப்பட்டுள்ளபடி, அவர் சக்கரியாஸின் மனைவியும், புனித ஜான் பாப்டிஸ்ட்டின் தாயும் ஆவார்.

 இந்த துறவி பூசாரி ஆரோனின் வழித்தோன்றலும் கூட.  நற்செய்திகளின்படி, துறவி தனது கணவருடன் மலை நகரமான யூதேயாவில் மாசற்ற வாழ்க்கை வாழ்ந்தார்.  ஒரு மகனுக்காக தொடர்ந்து ஜெபத்துடன் வாழ்ந்த இந்த துறவி, தனது வயதான காலத்தில் மீண்டும் ஒரு மகனைப் பெறமாட்டார் என்று பாரபட்சம் காட்டினார்.  ஒரு நாள், சகரியா ஆலயத்தில் ஊழியம் செய்துகொண்டிருந்தபோது, ​​புனித கேப்ரியல் தேவதை பலிபீடத்தின் வலதுபுறத்தில் தோன்றி எலிசபெத் ஒரு மகனைப் பெற்றெடுப்பார் என்பதை வெளிப்படுத்தினார்.

 ஆசீர்வதிக்கப்பட்ட கன்னி மேரியின் வருகை ஆறு மாத கர்ப்பமாக இருந்தபோது நடந்தது.  இந்த விஜயம் பல சிறந்த கலைஞர்களின் ஓவியங்களுக்கு உட்பட்ட ஒரு தொடுகின்ற சந்தர்ப்பமாகும்.  கேப்ரியல் தேவதை மரியாவுக்கான கடவுளின் திட்டத்தை அவளுக்கு வெளிப்படுத்துகிறார்.  அதே நேரத்தில், அவரது உறவினர் எலிசபெத் குழந்தையை சுமந்து செல்வதாக அவருக்கு தகவல் கிடைத்தது.  இதைக் கேட்டு மகிழ்ச்சி அடைந்த மேரி, எலிசபெத்தை பார்வையிடச் சென்றார், அவர் விரைவில் ஒரு குழந்தையின் தாயாக இருப்பார் என்பதையும், மகிழ்ச்சியில் பங்கு பெறுவதையும் தெரிவித்தார்.  நாசரேத்தின் தூசி நிறைந்த தெருக்களில் அவள் யூதேயா வருகிறாள்.

 மேரியின் வருகையைப் பார்த்து மகிழ்ச்சியடைந்த எலிசபெத், "இரட்சகரின் வருகையை முன்னறிவித்த என் இரட்சகரின் தாய்" என்று கூறி அவளை வரவேற்றார்.  எலிசபெத்தின் முகவரி, "நீங்கள் பெண்கள் மத்தியில் பாக்கியவான்கள்".  உங்கள் கருவறையின் கனிய பாக்கியம்.  என் இறைவனின் தாய் என்னிடம் வர இந்த அதிர்ஷ்டம் எனக்கு எங்கே கிடைத்தது?  இதோ, உங்கள் வணக்கம் என் காதுகளில் ஒலித்தபோது, ​​குழந்தை என் வயிற்றில் மகிழ்ச்சிக்காக குதித்தது.  கர்த்தர் சொன்னது நிறைவேறும் என்று நம்புகிறவள் பாக்கியவள்! ”

 எலிசபெத் பெற்றெடுத்தபோது, ​​அவளுடைய நண்பர்களும் அயலவர்களும் அவளுடன் மகிழ்ந்தார்கள் என்று நற்செய்தி சொல்கிறது.  மேலும், குழந்தையை விருத்தசேதனம் செய்ய அழைத்து வந்ததும், குழந்தைக்கு தந்தையின் பெயரை வைக்க வேண்டும் என்று எல்லோரும் முடிவு செய்ததும், எலிசபெத், “அவருடைய பெயர் ஜான் என்று இருக்க வேண்டும்” என்றார்.  புனித சக்கரியாஸ் மற்றும் புனித எலிசபெத் விருந்து ஒரே நாளில் கொண்டாடப்படுகிறது.  செயிண்ட் அபிஜாவின் குடும்பத்தில் பிறந்தார் மற்றும் ஒரு பாதிரியார்.

 அக்கால வழக்கப்படி, தேவாலய சேவைகளைச் செய்ய ஒவ்வொரு வாரமும் ஏராளமான பாதிரியார்களை இழுப்பது வழக்கம்.  அதன்படி, அந்த வாரம் தேவாலய சேவைகளுக்கு சகரியா பொறுப்பேற்றார்.  இவ்வாறு புனித கேப்ரியல் தேவதை பலிபீடத்தின் வலதுபுறத்தில் பலிபீடத்தின் மீது மட்டும் தூபம் புகைந்து பிற சேவைகளில் ஈடுபட்டார்.  தரிசனத்தைப் பார்த்த ஜகாரியாஸ் பயந்து போனார்.

 கேப்ரியல் தேவதை புனிதருக்கு தனது மனைவியின் பிரார்த்தனைகள் நிறைவேறப் போவதாகவும், அவர்களுக்கு விரைவில் ஒரு மகன் பிறப்பான் என்றும், அவனை ஜான் என்று அழைக்க வேண்டும் என்றும் தெரிவித்தார்.  சக்கரியாஸால் அதை நம்ப முடியவில்லை.  அவரும் அவரது மனைவியும் வயதாகி வருவது வருத்தமாக இருந்தது.  சகரியா தனது பயத்தை வென்று புனித கேப்ரியல் தேவதூதரிடம் ஒரு அடையாளத்தைக் கேட்டார்.  அவர் மிகவும் சந்தேகம் கொண்டிருந்ததால், இந்த வாக்குறுதி நிறைவேறும் வரை சகாரியாஸ் ஊமையாக இருப்பார் என்று கூறப்பட்ட பின்னர் தேவதை காணாமல் போனார்.

 சக்கரியாஸ் கோயிலிலிருந்து வெளியே வந்தபோது, ​​அவர் ஊமையாக இருப்பதைக் கண்டார், தனக்கு கடவுள் தரிசனம் இருப்பதாக நம்பினார்.  எலிசபெத் கர்ப்பமாகி, கிறிஸ்துவுக்கு வழி வகுக்க பிறந்த புனித ஜானைப் பெற்றெடுத்தார்.  எட்டு நாட்களுக்குப் பிறகு, குழந்தையின் விருத்தசேதனம் செய்யப்பட்ட நேரத்தில், எலிசபெத் குழந்தைக்கு ஜான் என்று பெயரிடுமாறு கேட்டார்.

 அந்த நேரத்தில் பேச முடியாத சகாரியாஸ் ஒரு டேப்லெட்டைக் கேட்டு, "அவருடைய பெயர் ஜான்" என்று எழுதினார்.  இந்த நேரத்தில் அவரது பேச்சு மீட்டெடுக்கப்பட்டது.  பேசும் திறனைப் பெற்றவுடன், அவர் கடவுளைப் புகழத் தொடங்கினார்.  புதிய ஏற்பாடு சகரியாவைப் பற்றி மேலும் எதுவும் கூறவில்லை

Elizabeth (also spelled Elisabeth; Hebrew: אֱלִישֶׁבַע / אֱלִישָׁבַע "My God has sworn", Standard Hebrew: Elišévaʿ / Elišávaʿ, Tiberian Hebrew: ʾĔlîšéḇaʿ / ʾĔlîšāḇaʿ; Greek: Ἐλισάβετ Elisabet / Elisavet) was the mother of John the Baptist and the wife of Zechariah, according to the Gospel of Luke. She was past normal child-bearing age when she conceived and gave birth to John.

Born 1st century BC

Died 1st century BC (or early AD)

Venerated in

Roman Catholic Church

Eastern Orthodox Church

Oriental Orthodox Church

Anglican Church

Lutheran Church


Canonized Pre-Congregation


5 November (Roman Catholic, Lutheran)

24 April (Eastern Orthodox, Anglican)

Patronage Pregnant women

Biblical narrative

According to the Gospel of Luke chapter 1, Elizabeth was "of the daughters of Aaron". She and her husband Zechariah/Zachariah were "righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless" (1:5–7), but childless. While he was in the temple of the Lord (1:8–12), Zachariah was visited by the angel Gabriel:

But the angel said to him: “Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to call him John. He will be a joy and delight to you, and many will rejoice because of his birth, for he will be great in the sight of the Lord. He is never to take wine or other fermented drink, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit even before he is born.

— Luke 1:13–15

Zachariah doubted whereby he could know this since both he and his wife were old. The angel identified himself as Gabriel and told Zachariah that he would be "dumb, and not able to speak" until the words were fulfilled, because he did not believe. When the days of his ministry were complete, he returned to his house (Luke 1:16–23).

After this his wife Elizabeth became pregnant and for five months remained in seclusion. “The Lord has done this for me,” she said. “In these days he has shown his favor and taken away my disgrace among the people.”

— Luke 1:24–25

According to the account, the angel Gabriel was then sent to Nazareth in Galilee to her relative[Luke 1:36] Mary, a virgin, betrothed to a man called Joseph, and informed her that she would conceive by the Holy Spirit and bring forth a son to be called Jesus. Mary was also informed that her "relative Elizabeth" had begun her sixth month of pregnancy, and Mary traveled to "a town in the hill country of Judah", to visit Elizabeth (Luke 1:26–40).

When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. In a loud voice she exclaimed: "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy. Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!"

— Luke 1:41–45

15th century depiction of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, with Elizabeth on the left

Matthew Henry comments, "Mary knew that Elizabeth was with child, but it does not appear that Elizabeth had been told any thing of her relative Mary's being designed for the mother of the Messiah; and therefore what knowledge she appears to have had of it must have come by a revelation, which would be a great encouragement to Mary."[1] After Mary heard Elizabeth's blessing, she spoke the words now known as the Magnificat (Luke 1:46–55).

Mary stayed with Elizabeth for about three months and then returned home.

When it was time for Elizabeth to have her baby, she gave birth to a son. Her neighbors and relatives heard that the Lord had shown her great mercy, and they shared her joy.

On the eighth day they came to circumcise the child, and they were going to name him after his father Zechariah, but his mother spoke up and said, “No! He is to be called John.”

They said to her, “There is no one among your relatives who has that name.”

Then they made signs to his father, to find out what he would like to name the child. He asked for a writing tablet, and to everyone’s astonishment he wrote, “His name is John.” Immediately his mouth was opened and his tongue set free, and he began to speak, praising God.

— Luke 1:56–64

That is the last mention of Elizabeth, who is not mentioned in any other chapter in the Bible. The chapter continues with the prophecy of Zachariah (known as the Benedictus,) and ends with the note that John "grew, and became strong in spirit, and was in the deserts" until his ministry to Israel began; so it is unknown how long Elizabeth and her husband lived after that (Luke 1:65–80).

Since the Medieval era, Elizabeth's greeting, "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb," has formed the second part of the Hail Mary prayer.[2]

A traditional "tomb of Elizabeth" is shown in the Franciscan Monastery of Saint John in the Wilderness near Jerusalem.


Elizabeth is mentioned in several books of the Apocrypha, most prominently in the Protevangelion of James, in which the birth of her son, the subsequent murder of her husband, as well as her and John's miraculous escape during the Massacre of the Innocents are chronicled.


Elizabeth is revered as a saint in the Roman Catholic Church on 5 November, and in the Orthodox and Anglican traditions on 5 September, on the same day with her husband Zacharias/Zechariah. She is commemorated as a matriarch in the Calendar of Saints (5 September) of the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod and Zacharias is commemorated as a prophet.[3]


Elizabeth (Arabic: Ishba', daughter of Faqudh), the wife of Zakaria, the mother of Yahya, is an honored woman in Islam.[6] Although Zachariah himself is frequently mentioned by name in the Qur'an, Elizabeth, while not mentioned by name, is referenced. She is revered by Muslims as a wise, pious and believing person who, like her relative Mary, was exalted by God to a high station.[6] She lived in the household of Imran, and is said to have been a descendant of the prophet and priest Harun.[7]

Zachariah and his wife were both devout and steadfast in their duties. They were, however, both very old and they had no son. Therefore, Zachariah would frequently pray to God for a son.[8] This was not only out of the desire to have a son but also because the great Jesus Christ wanted someone to carry on the services of the Temple of prayer and to continue the preaching of the Lord's message before his death. God cured Elizabeth's barrenness and granted Zachariah a son, Yahya (John the Baptist), who became a prophet.[9] God thus granted the wishes of the couple because of their faith, trust and love for God. In the Qur'an, God speaks of Zachariah, his wife, and John, and describes the three as being humble servants of the LORD:

So We listened to him: and We granted him John: We cured his wife's (Barrenness) for him. These (three) were ever quick in emulation in good works; they used to call on Us with love and reverence, and humble themselves before Us.

— Qur'an, chapter 21 (Prophets), verse 90[10]

In Sunni Islamic reports of al-Tabari and al-Masudi, Elizabeth is said to have been a daughter of Imran, and thus, a sister of Mary. Therefore, their children Jesus (Isa) and John (Yahya) are believed to have been cousins. In other accounts, Elizabeth is said to be a daughter of Fakudh, and a sister of Imran's wife Hannah.[11]

In Shia hadith she is named Hananah, and is identified as a sister of Mary's mother Hannah. Abu Basir recorded that Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq, the great grandson of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad, had stated: "Hannah, the wife of Imran, and Hananah, the wife of Zechariah, were sisters. He goes on to say that Mary was born from Hannah and John was born from Hananah. Mary gave birth to Jesus and he was the son of the daughter of John's aunt. John was the son of the aunt of Mary, and the aunt of one's mother is like one's aunt."[12]


In Mandaeism, Enišbai (Classical Mandaic: ࡏࡍࡉࡔࡁࡀࡉ, romanized: ʿnišbai) is the Mandaic name for Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist. Enišbai is mentioned in chapters 18, 21, and 32 of the Mandaean Book of John

Zachary was a priest in Jerusalem whose wife, Elizabeth, Mary's cousin, was beyond child-bearing age. He was told by an angel in a vision that they would have a son and should name him John. When he doubted this, he was struck dumb. Elizabeth was visited by Mary, at which time Mary spoke the hymn of praise now known at the Magnificat, and after John's birth, Zachary's speech was restored. This is all that is known of Elizabeth and Zachary, and is found in the New Testament in Luke, Chapter 1. An unvarifiable tradition has Zachary murdered in the Temple when he refused to tell Herod where his son John was to be found. Their feast day is November 5th.

Zechariah (Hebrew: זְכַרְיָה Zəḵaryāh, "remember Yah"; Greek: Ζαχαρίας; Zacharias in KJV; Zachary in the Douay–Rheims Bible; Zakariyya (Arabic: زكـريـا) in Islamic tradition) is a figure in the New Testament and the Quran,[2] and venerated in Christianity and Islam.[3] In the Bible he is the father of John the Baptist, a priest of the sons of Aaron in the Gospel of Luke (1:67–79), and the husband of Elizabeth who is a relative of the Virgin Mary (Luke 1:36).

Born 1st century BC

Died 1st century BC (or early 1st century AD)

Jerusalem (Matthew 23:35), the Levant

Venerated in Catholic Church

Eastern Orthodox Church

Oriental Orthodox Church




Canonized Pre-Congregation

Feast September 5 – Eastern Orthodox

September 5 – Lutheran

September 23 – Roman Catholic

Zechariah (Hebrew: זְכַרְיָה Zəḵaryāh, "remember Yah"; Greek: Ζαχαρίας; Zacharias in KJV; Zachary in the Douay–Rheims Bible; Zakariyya (Arabic: زكـريـا) in Islamic tradition) is a figure in the New Testament and the Quran,[2] and venerated in Christianity and Islam.[3] In the Bible he is the father of John the Baptist, a priest of the sons of Aaron in the Gospel of Luke (1:67–79), and the husband of Elizabeth who is a relative of the Virgin Mary (Luke 1:36).

Born 1st century BC

Died 1st century BC (or early 1st century AD)

Jerusalem (Matthew 23:35), the Levant

Venerated in Catholic Church

Eastern Orthodox Church

Oriental Orthodox Church




Canonized Pre-Congregation

Feast September 5 – Eastern Orthodox

September 5 – Lutheran

September 23 – Roman Catholic

Biblical account

According to the Gospel of Luke, during the reign of king Herod, there was a priest named Zechariah, of the course of Abia, whose wife Elizabeth was also of the priestly family of Aaron. The evangelist states that both the parents were righteous before God, since they were "blameless" in observing the commandments and ordinances of the Lord. When the events related in Luke began, their marriage was still childless, because Elizabeth was "barren", and they were both "well advanced in years" (Luke 1:5–7).

The duties at the temple in Jerusalem alternated between each of the family lines that had descended from those appointed by king David (1 Chronicles 24:1–19).[4] Luke states that during the week when it was the duty of Zechariah's family line to serve at "the temple of the Lord", the lot for performing the incense offering had fallen to Zechariah (Luke 1:8–11).

The Gospel of Luke states that while Zechariah ministered at the altar of incense, an angel of the Lord appeared and announced to him that his wife would give birth to a son, whom he was to name John, and that this son would be the forerunner of the Lord (Luke 1:12–17). Citing their advanced age, Zechariah asked with disbelief for a sign whereby he would know the truth of this prophecy. In reply, the angel identified himself as Gabriel, sent especially by God to make this announcement, and added that because of Zechariah's doubt he would be struck dumb and "not able to speak, until the day that these things shall be performed". Consequently, when he went out to the waiting worshippers in the temple's outer courts, he was unable to speak the customary blessing (Luke 1:18–22).

After returning to his house in "Hebron, in the hill country of Judah",[5] his wife Elizabeth conceived. After Elizabeth completed her fifth month of pregnancy, her relative Mary was visited by the same angel, Gabriel. While still a virgin, Gabriel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. 'How will this be,' Mary asked the angel, 'since I am a virgin?' The angel answered, 'The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God.'" Joseph, whom Mary was betrothed to, found out that she was pregnant, obviously disturbing news. Because he "was faithful to the law, and yet did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly. But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, 'Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.' 24 When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife."

Mary then travelled to visit her relative Elizabeth, having been told by the angel that Elizabeth was in her sixth month of pregnancy. Mary remained about three months before she returned to her own house (Luke 1:23–45;56).

Elizabeth gave birth, and on the eighth day, when their son was to be circumcised according to the commandment, her neighbours and relatives assumed that he was to be named after his father. Elizabeth, however, insisted that his name was to be John; so the family then questioned her husband. As soon as Zechariah had written on a writing table: "His name is John", he regained the power of speech, and blessed "the Lord God of Israel" with a prophecy known as the Benedictus or "Song of Zechariah" (Luke 1:57–79).

The child grew up and "waxed strong in spirit", but remained in the deserts of Judæa until he assumed the ministry that was to earn him the name "John the Baptist" (Luke 1:80; 3:2–3; Matthew 3:1).

Other Christian traditions

Identification with Zechariah from Matthew

Origen suggested that the Zechariah mentioned in Matthew 23:35 as having been killed between the temple and the altar may be the father of John the Baptist.[6]


The martyrdom of Zachariah in the Temple during the Massacre of the Innocents; and the Flight of Elizabeth, as depicted in a miniature from the Paris Gregory, a 9th-century manuscript codex

The Gospel of James, a 2nd-century apocryphal work, recounts that, at the time of the massacre of the Innocents, when King Herod ordered the slaughter of all males under the age of two in an attempt to prevent the prophesied Messiah from coming to Israel, Zechariah refused to divulge the whereabouts of his son (who was in hiding), and he was therefore murdered by Herod's soldiers. This account is also present in subsequent Eastern Orthodox tradition.


The Catholic Church commemorates him as a saint, along with Elizabeth, on September 23rd as it is believed that his temple duty before John the Baptist's conception took place on the Day of Atonement.[7] He is also venerated as a prophet in the Calendar of Saints of the Lutheran Church on September 5. The Eastern Orthodox Church also celebrates the feast day of Zechariah on September 5, together with Elizabeth, who is considered a matriarch. Zechariah and Elizabeth are invoked in several prayers during the Orthodox Mystery of Crowning (Sacrament of Marriage), as the priest blesses the newly married couple, saying "Thou who didst... accept Zechariah and Elizabeth, and didst make their offspring the Forerunner..." and "...bless them, O Lord our God, as Thou didst Zechariah and Elizabeth...". In the Greek Orthodox calendar, Zechariah and Elizabeth are also commemorated on June 24.

Relics veneration

The Church of San Zaccaria in Venice, Italy claims to house the relics of Zechariah, entombed alongside those of Saint Athanasius of Alexandria. Armenians believe that the Gandzasar Monastery in Nagorno Karabakh, Azerbaijan contains his relics; however, his relics were also kept in the Great Church of Constantinople, where they were brought by the praefectus urbi Ursus on September 4, 415.[8]

His relics uncovering is commemorated by Greek Orthodox Church on 11 February, and translation of his relics is commemorated on 1 December.[9]

The Tomb of Absalom, built in the 1st century CE in the Kidron Valley; an inscription added three centuries later claims that it is Zechariah's tomb.

In 2003, a 4th-century inscription on the so-called Tomb of Absalom, a 1st-century monument in Jerusalem, was deciphered as, "This is the tomb of Zachariah, the martyr, the holy priest, the father of John." This suggests to some scholars that it is the burial place of Zechariah the father of John the Baptist. Professor Gideon Foerster at the Hebrew University states that the inscription tallies with a 6th-century Christian text by a pilgrim named Theodosius which states that Zechariah was buried with Simon the Elder and James the brother of Jesus, and believes that both are authentic.[10][11] Zias and Puech suggest the inscription may refer to another 'Zekariah' mentioned by Josephus and the Talmud who was martyred in the time of Vespasian. They also suggest the inscription casts doubt on the tomb being Absalom's. Although it was referred to as such in the 1st century, Absalom had lived centuries earlier.[12]

In Islam

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Part of a series on Islam

Islamic prophets


Prophets in the Quran

Listed by Islamic name and Biblical name.

ʾĀdam (Adam)ʾIdrīs (Enoch)Nūḥ (Noah)Hūd (Eber)Ṣāliḥ (Selah)ʾIbrāhīm (Abraham)Lūṭ (Lot)ʾIsmāʿīl (Ishmael)ʾIsḥāq (Isaac)Yaʿqūb (Jacob)Yūsuf (Joseph)Ayūb (Job)Shuʿayb (Jethro)Mūsā (Moses)Hārūn (Aaron)Dhul-Kifl (Ezekiel)Dāūd (David)Sulaymān (Solomon)Yūnus (Jonah)ʾIlyās (Elijah)Alyasaʿ (Elisha)Zakarīya (Zechariah)Yaḥyā (John)ʿĪsā (Jesus)Muḥammad (Muhammad)

Zechariah (Arabic: زكريا Zakariyya) is also a prophet in Islam, and is mentioned in the Qur'an as the father of Yaḥyā (John the Baptist). Zechariah is also believed by some Muslims to have been a martyr. An old tradition narrates that Zakariya was sawed in half,[13] in a death which resembles that attributed to Isaiah in Lives of the Prophets

Saint Guido Maria Conforti


As a child he used to have conversations in his parish church with Christ crucified. Entered the seminary in Parma, Italy at age 17. Ordained on 22 September 1888. Professor at the seminary. Vice-rector of the seminary. Vicar of Clergy in the diocese of Parma. Founded the Xaverian Missionaries on 3 December 1895; they were assigned by Rome to evangelize China. Archbishop of Ravenna, Italy on 9 June 1902. Resigned as archbishop due to poor health in October 1904. Coadjutor bishop of Parma, Italy and titular archbishop of Stauropolis on 14 November 1904. Archbishop of Parma, Italy on 12 December 1907. He visited his parishes regularly, worked for religious formation, supported religious education for the laity and lay involvement with youth. In 1928 he travelled to China to visit the Xaverians working there.


30 March 1865 at Ravadese, Parma, Italy


• 5 November 1931 in Parma, Italy of natural causes

• buried in the center of the apse of the church of the motherhouse of the Xaverian Missionaries in Parma


• 17 March 1996 by Pope John Paul II in Rome, Italy

• the beatification miracle involved the cure of 12 year old Sabina Kamariza's pancreatic cancer in Burundi, Africa in 1965


23 October 2011 by Pope Benedict XVI

Blessed Narcyz Putz

Also known as

Narcissus Putz

Additional Memorial

12 June as one of the 108 Martyrs of World War II


Priest at Saint Wojciech parish, Poznan, Poland. Arrested in the Nazi anti-Catholic sweeps of 1939 and sent to the Catholic clergy section of the Dachau concentration camp. There he continued his ministry by caring for other prisoners and suffering his own privations in quiet dignity. Martyr.


28 October 1877 in Sieraków, Wielkopolskie, Poland


5 December 1942 in the Dachau concentration camp, Oberbayern, Germany from disease and general abuse


13 June 1999 by Pope John Paul II

Blessed Bernhard Lichtenberg

 அருளாளர் பெர்னார்ட் லிச்டென்பெர்க் 

கத்தோலிக்க குரு, இறையியலாளர் மற்றும் மறைசாட்சி:

பிறப்பு: டிசம்பர் 3, 1875

ஓலாவ், புருஸ்ஸியன் சிலேசியா, புருஸ்ஸியா இராச்சியம், ஜெர்மன் பேரரசு

இறப்பு: நவம்பர் 5, 1943 (வயது 67)

பெர்லினிலிருந்து ஜெர்மனியின் டச்சாவ் வதை முகாமுக்கு கொண்டு செல்லப்பட்டபோது

ஏற்கும் சமயம்:

ரோமன் கத்தோலிக்க திருச்சபை (ஜெர்மனி)

முக்திப்பேறு பட்டம்: ஜூன் 23, 1996

திருத்தந்தை இரண்டாம் ஜான் பவுல்

முக்கிய திருத்தலம்: 

செயின்ட் ஹெட்விக் கதீட்ரல், பெர்லின், ஜெர்மனி

நினைவுத் திருவிழா: நவம்பர் 5

அருளாளர் பெர்னார்ட் லிச்டென்பெர்க், ஒரு கத்தோலிக்க குருவும், இறையியலாளரும், மற்றும் மறைசாட்சியுமாவார். கத்தோலிக்க திருச்சபையினால் முக்திப்பேறு பட்டமளிக்கப்பட்ட இவருக்கு, "நாடுகளிடையே நீதிமான்" (Righteous among the Nations) என்ற பட்டமும் வழங்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. ஜெர்மானிய நாட்டை சர்வாதிகாரியான அடால்ஃப் ஹிட்லரும், அவரது நாஜிக்களும் ஆண்ட காலத்தில், நாஜிக்களால் கைது செய்யப்பட்டு சிறைவைக்கப்பட்டிருந்த இவர் மறைசாட்சியாக மரித்தார்.

"ஜெர்மன் பேரரசின்" (German Empire) "புருஸ்ஸியா இராச்சியத்தின்" (Kingdom of Prussia) "புருஸ்ஸியன் சிலேசியா" (Prussian Silesia) மாநிலத்தின் "ஓலாவ்" (Ohlau) எனுமிடத்தில், கி.பி. 1875ம் ஆண்டு, டிசம்பர் மாதம், 3ம் நாளன்று பிறந்த பெர்னார்ட் லிச்டென்பெர்க், மேற்கு ஆஸ்திரியாவின் (Western Austria) "டைரோல்" (Tyrol) மாநிலத்தின் தலைநகரான "இன்ஸ்ப்ரக்" (Innsbruck) நகரில் இறையியல் பயின்ற இவர், கி.பி. 1899ம் ஆண்டு, குருத்துவ அருட்பொழிவு பெற்றார். ஜெர்மனி (Germany) நாட்டின் தலைநகரான பெர்லின் (Berlin) நகரில், கி.பி. 1900ம் ஆண்டு, தமது மறைப்பணியை தொடங்கிய இவர், முதலாம் உலகப்போரின்போது, (World War I) இராணுவ குருவாக (Military Chaplain) சேவையாற்றினார்.

1932ம் ஆண்டில், பெர்லின் ஆயர், (Bishop of Berlin) அவரை புனித ஹெட்விக் கதீட்ரல் மறைப்பணியாளர்களின் கல்லூரியின் (Cathedral Chapter of St. Hedwig) சட்ட நியதியாக நியமித்தார்.

எரிச் மரியா ரெமார்க்ஸின் போர் எதிர்ப்பு திரைப்படமான "ஆல் க்யூட் ஆன் தி வெஸ்டர்ன் ஃப்ரண்ட்" (All Quiet on the Western Front) திரைப்பட பதிப்பைக் காண்பதற்கு கத்தோலிக்கர்களை அவர் ஊக்குவித்தது, ஜோசப் கோயபல்ஸின் (Joseph Goebbels) டெர் ஆங்ரிஃப் ஒரு மோசமான தாக்குதலைத் தூண்டியது. 1933ம் ஆண்டு, ஜெர்மனி நாட்டின் இரகசிய உளவுத்துறை காவல்துறையினர் முதன்முதலாக அவரது இல்லத்தை சோதனையிட்டார்கள்.

மத்திய கட்சியில் (Centre Pary) தீவிர செயல்பாட்டாளராக விளங்கிய இவர், 1935ம் ஆண்டு, ஜெர்மன் (Jerman) அரசியல் மற்றும் இராணுவ தலைவர்களில் ஒருவரும், நாஜிக்களின் முக்கிய பிரமுகருமான "ஹெர்மன் கோரிங்" (Hermann Göring) என்பவரின் முன்னிலையில், நாஜிக்களின் சித்திரவதை முகாம்களின் கொடுமைகளை எதிர்த்து போராடச்சென்றார்.

கதீட்ரலின் புரோவோஸ்ட் என்று பெயரிடப்பட்ட, 1938 ஆம் ஆண்டில், லிச்சன்பெர்க் பேர்லின் எபிஸ்கோபட்டின் நிவாரண அலுவலகத்தின் பொறுப்பில் வைக்கப்பட்டார், இது யூத வம்சாவளியைச் சேர்ந்த பல கத்தோலிக்கர்களுக்கு மூன்றாம் ரைச்சிலிருந்து குடியேற உதவியது. "கதீட்ரலின் புரோவோஸ்ட்" (Provost of the Cathedral) என்ற பதவியிலமர்த்தப்பட்ட இவர், 1938ம் ஆண்டில், எபிஸ்கோபட்டின் நிவாரண அலுவலகத்தின் பொறுப்பில் வைக்கப்பட்டார். இது யூத வம்சாவளியைச் சேர்ந்த பல கத்தோலிக்கர்களை நாஜிக்களின் ஜெர்மனியிலிருந்து புலம்பெயர்ந்து வெளியேற குடியேற உதவியது.

ஜெர்மனியில் முதன்முதலில் திட்டமிடப்பட்டு செயல்படுத்தப்பட்ட "நவம்பர் படுகொலை" (November Pogrom) அல்லது "கிறிஸ்டால்நாட்ச்" (Kristallnacht) படுகொலைகளின் பின்னர், லிச்சன்பெர்க், பெர்லின் நகரின் "செயிண்ட் ஹெட்விக்" தேவாலயத்தில் "வெளியே எரியும் ஜெப ஆலயமும் கடவுளின் வீடுதான்" என்று வெளிப்படையாக எச்சரித்தார். 1941ம் ஆண்டு, அக்டோபர் மாதம், தாம் கைது செய்யப்படும்வரை, லிச்சன்பெர்க் தினசரி வெஸ்பர்ஸ் சேவையில் (Vespers service) துன்புறுத்தப்பட்ட யூதர்களுக்காக பகிரங்கமாக ஜெபித்தார். ஆயர் "கொன்ராட் வான் ப்ரீசிங்" (Konrad von Preysing) பின்னர் நகரத்தின் யூத சமூகத்திற்கு உதவுவதற்கான பணியை அவரிடம் ஒப்படைத்தார்.

நோய்வாய்ப்பட்ட மற்றும் மனநலம் பாதிக்கப்பட்டவர்களையும், யூத மக்களையும், கைதுசெய்து துன்புறுத்துவதற்கும் கொலை செய்வதற்கும் எதிராக அவர் நாஜி அதிகாரிகளுக்கு நேரில் எதிர்ப்பு தெரிவித்ததுடன், அவர்களை எதிர்த்துப் போராடினார். முதலில், நாஜிக்கள் பாதிரியாரை ஒரு தொல்லை என்று தள்ளுபடி செய்தனர். தந்தை லிச்சன்பெர்க் தனது நடவடிக்கைகளுக்காக கைது செய்யப்படும் அபாயத்தில் இருப்பதாக எச்சரிக்கப்பட்டார். ஆனாலும் அவர் தமது போராட்டங்களை தொடர்ந்தார்.

"டச்சாவ்" (Dachau) போன்ற சித்திரவதை முகாம்களின் துன்புறுத்தல்கள் குறித்து, சில முகாம்களுக்கு வெளியே அவர்களுக்கு எதிராக ஆர்ப்பாட்டங்களை ஏற்பாடு செய்தார்.

1941ம் ஆண்டில், லிச்சன்பெர்க், தன்னிச்சையான கருணைக்கொலை திட்டத்திற்கு எதிராக "ரீச்" நகரின் தலைமை மருத்துவர் (Chief Physician of the Reich), பொது சுகாதார அமைச்சர் (Minister of Public Health) "லியோனார்டோ கான்டி" (Leonardo Conti) (1900-1945) என்பவருக்கு எழுதிய கடிதத்தில் தமது எதிர்ப்பை பின்வருமாறு தெரிவித்தார்:

                             "நான், ஒரு மனிதனாக, ஒரு கிறிஸ்தவனாக, ஒரு பாதிரியாராக, மற்றும் ஒரு ஜேர்மனியனாக, உங்களுடைய ஆட்சியில் உங்கள் அதிகாரத்தாலும் ஒப்புதலாலும் நடைபெறும் குற்றம் - கொலைகளுக்கு நீங்கள் பதில் அளிக்கவேண்டுகிறேன். உங்களுடைய இத்தகைய பாவச் செயல்களால் ஜெர்மானிய மக்கள் இறைவனின் கோபத்திற்கு ஆளாக நேரிடும்."

நாஜி ஜெர்மனியின் சுகாதார நிறுவனங்களில் நடைபெற்ற கருணைக்கொலைகளுக்கு எதிராக கிறிஸ்தவ திருச்சபைகள் எதிர்ப்பு தெரிவித்தவுடன் அத்தகைய செயல்கள் விரைவில் நிறுத்தப்பட்டது. முக்கிய, மிகவும் போற்றப்பட்ட மதகுருமார்கள் மற்றும் பிற எதிர்ப்பாளர்களை சிறையில் அடைக்க வேண்டும் என்ற நாஜி தலைவர்களின் முடிவினால், - அவர்கள் பெரிதும் அஞ்சிய எதிர்மறையான பொதுமக்களின் எதிர்பின் அடிப்படையில் விளைவுகளைக் கொண்ட ஒருநெறி - அல்லது திட்டத்தை முடிவுக்குக் கொண்டுவந்தார்கள்.

1941ம் ஆண்டு, அக்டோபர் மாதம், 23ம் நாளன்று, லிச்சன்பெர்க் கைது செய்யப்பட்டு இரண்டு ஆண்டுகள் சிறைத்தண்டனை விதிக்கப்பட்டார். திருத்தமுடியாத குற்றவாளி என்று அவரை தீர்மானித்ததால், அவரை அவர் "டச்சாவ் சித்திரவதை முகாமுக்கு" (Dachau Concentration Camp) அனுப்பினார்கள். ஆனால், பயணத்தின் நடுவே, 1943ம் ஆண்டு, நவம்பர் மாதம், 5ம் நாளன்று, "பவேரியா"வின் (Bavaria) "ஹோஃப்" (Hof) நகரில் அவர் சரிந்து விழுந்து மரித்தார்.

(நாஜி ஜெர்மனி பற்றின சிறு குறிப்பு):

நாஜி ஜெர்மனி என்பது, அடால்ப் ஹிட்லர் மற்றும் அவரது நாஜி கட்சியின் கீழ் இருந்த ஜெர்மனி நாட்டை குறிக்க வழங்கப்படும் ஆங்கிலப்பெயராகும். ஹிட்லர், ஜெர்மனியை 1933 முதல் 1945ம் ஆண்டுவரை சர்வாதிகாரியாக ஆண்டார். இவரது ஆட்சிக்காலத்தில் ஜெர்மனி உலகின் பெரிய பாசிச சக்தியாக உருவெடுத்தது.

ஹிட்லரின் நாடுபிடிக்கும் ஆசையால் ஐரோப்பா முழுவதும் பதட்டம் நிலவியது. இது இரண்டாம் உலகப் போருக்கு வித்திட்டது. போர் காலத்தில் இந்நாடு மனித குலத்துக்கு எதிரான குற்றச் செயல்களில் பெருமளவில் ஈடுபட்டது. நாஜி படைகள் இரண்டாம் உலகப்போரில் தோற்கடிக்கப்பட்ட பின்பு நாஜிக்களின் ஆட்சி ஜெர்மனியில் முடிவுக்கு வந்தது.


Priest in the diocese of Berlin, Germany. He served in the Berlin Cathedral, and was well known in civic circles. An out-spoken critic of the Nazis and their anti-Semitism, Father Berhard organized protests outside the concentration camps, led public prayers for the Jews after the terrors of Krystallnacht, and filed formal complaints against the racist policies of the party. For these works he was imprisoned for two years. Upon his release he immediately resumed his ministry, both pastoral and social. He was arrested again, sentenced to the Dachau concentration camp, but died en route. Martyr.


3 December 1875 at Ohlau, Germany


martyred on 5 November 1943 in a cattle car at Hof, Germany while en route to the Dachau concentration camp


23 June 1996 by Pope John Paul II at the Olympic Stadium, Berlin, Germany

Saint Gerald of Beziers

Also known as

• Gerald of Puissalicon

• Guiraud, Geraud, Geraldo


Augustinian canon regular. Deacon in 1094; ordained to the priesthood in 1101. Abbot of Cassan Abbey near Roujan, France in 1105. Bishop of Beziers, France in 1121. Spent all his diocese's revenues to care for the poor.


c.1070 at Puissalicon, France


• 5 November 1123 in Beziers, France of natural causes

• buried near Saint Aphrodise, first bishop of Beziers

• relics transferred to a nearby, but now defunct, Poor Clare convent in Beziers on 11 November 1259

• relics enshrined at the church of Saint Aphrodise in 1355

• relics destroyed in 1793 during the anti-Christianity excesses of the French Revolution

• a silver and amethyst ring that belonged to Gerald has survived, but was stolen in 1980

Blessed Hryhorii Lakota

Also known as

Gregor, Gregory, Hryhorij, Hryhory

Additional Memorial

27 June as one of the Martyrs Killed Under Communist Regimes in Eastern Europe


Greek Catholic. Studied theology at Lviv, Ukraine. Ordained in 1908 at Przemysl (in modern Poland). Doctor of theology at Vienna, Austria in 1911. Professor at the Ukrainian seminary at Przemysl in 1913. Rector of the seminary. Auxiliary bishop of Przemysl, Poland on 16 May 1926. Arrested for his faith on 9 June 1946; sentenced to ten years at Vorkuta, Russia. Died in prison. One of the Martyrs Killed Under Communist Regimes in Eastern Europe.


31 January 1883 at Holodivka, Lviv District, Ukraine


12 November 1950 at Abez, Vorkuta, Russia


27 June 2001 by Pope John Paul II in Ukraine

Blessed María del Carmen Viel Ferrando


Lay woman in the archdiocese of Valencia, Spain. Baptized at the age of two days, and made her First Communion on 24 April 1904 in her home parish of Saint Peter the Apostle. Worked as a seamstress. Studied sociology; she worked with working young people, and brought the Salesian Sisters to the region in 1931 to help with the religious education of young people. She was devoted to Eucharistic adoration, regular Communion, and prayed the rosary every day. Member of Catholic Action. Martyred in the Spanish Civil War.


27 November 1893 in Sueca, Valencia, Spain


5 November 1936 in El Saler, Valencia, Spain


11 March 2001 by Pope John Paul II

Saint Bertille

Also known as



French noble in the reign of King Dagobert I. Friend and spiritual student of Saint Ouen of Rouen. Bertille wanted to enter religious life, but delayed and worried, thinking her parents would oppose her choice; they did not. Benedictine nun at the convent at Jouarre, Brie, France, an abbey founded by Saint Owen's brother Ado under the strict rule of Saint Columbanus. Infirmarian. Convent school headmistress. Prioress. Abbess of the abbey at Chelles from 646, when it was restored by Saint Bathildis, until her death. During this time the convent attracted nuns that included a queen, several Merovingian princesses, and many Anglo-Saxon noble women.


at Soissons, France



Blessed Gomidas Keumurjian

Also known as

• Gomida Keumurgian

• Cosma de Carboniano


Married at age 20. Priest in the Armenian church. In 1696 he and his family made complete submission to the authority of Rome. This angered Armenian officials who took this as an insult. Some of them falsely accused Gomidas of being a spy for Rome, which led to his arrest and execution by Turkish authorities. Considered a martyr as his death was the result of his faith.


c.1656 at Constantinople


beheaded 1707 at Parmark-Kapu, Constantinople


23 June 1929 by Pope Pius XI

Saints Epistemis and Galation


Saint Galation was a Christian married to Epistemis, and brought her to the faith. They both then retired to monasteries and were later martyred in the persecutions of Decius. It's possible they were fictional, the story of their lives being written as fiction but misunderstood as fact; however, married couples agreeing to enter religious life was not unusual at the time.


251 at Emessa, Pheonicia

Saint Ðaminh Mau

Also known as


Additional Memorial

24 November as one of the Martyrs of Vietnam


Dominican. Priest. Promoted the use of the Rosary to strengthen the faith of Christians. Imprisoned in the persecutions of emperor Tu-Duc, he ministered to other prisoners until he was executed. Martyr.


c.1794 in Phú Nhai, Nam Ðinh, Vietnam


beheaded 5 November 1858 by the river in Hung Yên, Vietnam


19 June 1988 by Pope John Paul II

Saint Comasia


Saint Comasia was a Roman martyr, who is believed to have lived in the 3rd or 4th century. She is said to have been a young woman of noble birth, who was converted to Christianity. She was arrested during the persecutions of the Roman Emperor Diocletian, and was tortured and beheaded for her faith.

The details of her life and martyrdom are uncertain, but she is venerated as a saint by the Catholic Church. Her feast day is celebrated on October 13.

According to the traditional account, Comasia was born into a wealthy family in Rome. She was educated in the Christian faith, and became a devout believer. When the persecutions of Diocletian began, she was arrested and brought before the governor. She refused to renounce her faith, and was tortured. She was finally beheaded, and her body was thrown into the Tiber River.

Comasia's relics were eventually discovered in the catacombs of Saint Agnes in Rome. They were transferred to the city of Martina Franca, Italy, in 1646. She is the patron saint of Martina Franca, and her feast day is celebrated there with great solemnity.


• 3rd century Rome, Italy

• buried in the catacombs of Saint Agnes, Nomentana, Rome

• relics enshrined in Martina Franca, Italy in 1646 by Cardinal Sacrati with the approval of Pope Innocent X

• rain is reported to have followed the procession that delivered her relics, which led to her patronage against drought

Saint Laetus of Orléans

Also known as

Lie, Lié, Lyé, Laetus


Saint Laetus of Orléans (also known as Saint Lié) was a French monk and hermit who lived in the 6th century. He is venerated as a saint by the Catholic Church, and his feast day is celebrated on November 5.

Laetus was born into a wealthy family in Orléans, France. He received a good education, and was eventually ordained as a deacon. He then entered the monastery of Micy, near Orléans, where he lived under the abbot Avitus.

After some time at Micy, Laetus decided to live as a hermit. He withdrew to a forest area north of Orléans, where he built a small hut. He spent his days in prayer, meditation, and manual labor. He also became known for his wisdom and holiness, and many people came to him for advice and counsel.

Laetus died in his hermitage in 533. His relics were later transferred to the village of Saint-Lyé-la-Forêt, where they are enshrined to this day.

Laetus is a model of solitude and contemplation. He is also a reminder that we can find God in all things, even in the simplicity of a hermit's life.


region of Berry, France


• 533 in the forest of Orléans, France of natural causes

• relics enshrined in Saint-Lié-la-Forêt, France

Saint Mamete

Also known as


Additional Memorial

17 August in the diocese of Saint-Flour, France


Priest. Evangelist in the region of Saint-Flour, France, assigned by Saint Astremonius of Clermont, France. The town of Saint-Mamet-la-Salvetat, France is named for him.


4th century Auvergne, France of natural causes

Saint Kea

Also known as

Kay, Ke, Kenan, Quay


Born to the nobility. Ministered in Devon and Cornwall, where Landkey is named for him, and in Brittany where he was known as Quay.


at Glastonbury, England


6th century

Saint Domninus the Physician

Also known as



Saint Domninus the Physician was a Christian physician who lived in the 4th century. He was a native of Syria, and practiced medicine in the city of Antioch. He was known for his skill and compassion, and treated the poor and sick without charge.

During the persecution of Christians under the Roman Emperor Diocletian, Domninus was arrested and imprisoned. He was tortured and refused to renounce his faith. He was eventually beheaded in the year 310.

Domninus is venerated as a saint by the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church. His feast day is celebrated on November 5. He is the patron saint of physicians and healers.


burned to death in 310 in Palestine

Saint Idda


Born to the southern German nobility, Idda spent as much of her time in prayer as possible. Married. Widowed, she spent her final days at the Benedictine abbey of Fischingen, Germany.


12th century of natural causes

Saint Spinulus

Also known as

Spin, Spinula


Monk at Moyenmoutier, France. Friend of Saint Hidulf. Founded the monastery of Bégon-Celle (now known as Saint-Blasien) in France.



Saint Hermenegild


Benedictine monk at Salcedo, diocese of Tui, Spanish Galatia. Helped Saint Rudesind spread the Benedictine Rule throughout northwest Spain.





Saint Augustine of Terracina


Sixth century Benedictine monk. Dispatched by Saint Benedict of Nursia to found a monastery in Terracina, Italy.Saint Augustine of Terracina (also known as Saint Augustine the Monk) was a sixth century Benedictine monk who was dispatched by Saint Benedict of Nursia to found a monastery in Terracina, Italy. Very little is known about his life, but he is venerated as a saint by the Catholic Church. His feast day is celebrated on November 5.

According to tradition, Augustine was born into a wealthy family in Rome. He received a good education, and was eventually ordained as a deacon. He then entered the monastery of Montecassino, where he lived under Saint Benedict.

After some time at Montecassino, Augustine was sent by Saint Benedict to found a monastery in Terracina. Augustine established the monastery, and became its first abbot. He led a strict and holy life, and his monastery became known for its piety and learning.

Augustine died in Terracina in the early sixth century. He was buried in the church of San Cesareo in Palatio, which is located on the site of his monastery. Augustine is the patron saint of Terracina, and is also invoked for protection against drowning and flooding.

Saint Sylvanus of Syria


Bishop condemned to work the mines during the persecutions of Maximian. Martyr.Saint Sylvanus of Syria is a venerated martyr and saint of the Catholic Church. His feast day is celebrated on November 5.

Very little is known about the life of Saint Sylvanus of Syria. He is said to have been a deacon who lived in the city of Antioch, Syria, in the 4th century. He was arrested and martyred during the persecution of Christians under the Roman Emperor Diocletian.

According to one account, Sylvanus was arrested while he was distributing food to the poor. He was brought before the governor and refused to renounce his faith. He was then tortured and beheaded.

Another account says that Sylvanus was arrested while he was preaching the Gospel. He was brought before the governor and accused of inciting rebellion against the Roman Empire. He was then tortured and beheaded.

Sylvanus is buried in the church of San Silvano in Antioch, Syria. He is the patron saint of Antioch, and is also invoked for protection against drowning and flooding.

Saint Fibitius

Also known as

Fibizio, Fibicio


Abbot of a monastery in Trier, Germany. Bishop of Trier.Saint Fibitius, also known as Fibizio or Fibicio, was a bishop of Trier from around 511 to 525. He is venerated as a saint by the Catholic Church, and his feast day is celebrated on November 5.

Very little is known about the life of Saint Fibitius. He is said to have been a monk at the monastery of St. Maximin's Abbey, Trier, before becoming bishop. He was consecrated bishop of Trier in 511.

During his time as bishop, Fibitius helped to rebuild the church in Trier after the destruction of the city by the Huns in 451. He also founded a new monastery in Trier, and worked to spread the Christian faith throughout the region.

Fibitius died in Trier in 525. He was buried in the old church of St. Nicholas, but his relics were later transferred to the cathedral of Trier. Fibitius is the patron saint of the city of Trier.

Saint Eusebius of Terracina


Saint Eusebius of Terracina is a martyr who is venerated by the Catholic Church. His feast day is celebrated on November 5.

Very little is known about the life of Saint Eusebius of Terracina. He is said to have been a deacon who lived in the city of Terracina, Italy, in the 4th century. He was arrested and martyred during the persecution of Christians under the Roman Emperor Diocletian.

According to one account, Eusebius was arrested while he was distributing food to the poor. He was brought before the governor and refused to renounce his faith. He was then tortured and beheaded.

Another account says that Eusebius was arrested while he was preaching the Gospel. He was brought before the governor and accused of inciting rebellion against the Roman Empire. He was then tortured and beheaded.

Eusebius is buried in the church of San Cesareo in Palatio in Rome. He is the patron saint of Terracina, and is also invoked for protection against drowning and flooding.


1st century in Terracina, Italy

Saint Guetnoco


Brother monk of Saint Winwallus and Saint Giacuto at Landevennec monastery in Brittany, France. Abbot.Saint Guetnoco, also known as Saint Guénolé or Saint Winwaloe, was a 6th century Breton abbot and saint. He is the founder of the Abbey of Landévennec in Brittany, France. His feast day is celebrated on November 3.

Guetnoco was born into a noble family in Brittany in the early 6th century. He received a good education, and was ordained as a priest. He then entered the monastery of Saint-Méen, where he lived under the abbot Cadoc.

After some time at Saint-Méen, Guetnoco decided to found his own monastery. In 532, he established the Abbey of Landévennec on a peninsula in the English Channel. Guetnoco became the first abbot of the monastery, and he led a strict and holy life. He was known for his wisdom, his compassion, and his love of learning.

The Abbey of Landévennec quickly became one of the most important monasteries in Brittany. It became a center of learning and culture, and it played a major role in the evangelization of the region. Guetnoco died in 594, and he was buried in the abbey church.

Guetnoco is venerated as a saint by the Catholic Church. He is the patron saint of sailors, fishermen, and the poor. He is also invoked for protection against storms and shipwrecks.

Saint Kanten

Also known as



Founder of Llanganten abbey, Powys, Wales.Saint Kanten, also known as Saint Cannen, was a Welsh founder, who established Llangeanten Abbey in Powya, Wales. He is venerated as a saint by the Catholic Church, and his feast day is celebrated on November 5.

Very little is known about the life of Saint Kanten. He is said to have been born into a noble family in Wales in the 6th century. He received a good education, and was ordained as a priest. He then entered the monastery of Llanllyr, where he lived under the abbot Cybi.

After some time at Llanllyr, Kanten decided to found his own monastery. In 560, he established Llangeanten Abbey on a hilltop in the Powya Valley. Kanten became the first abbot of the monastery, and he led a strict and holy life. He was known for his wisdom, his compassion, and his love of learning.

Llangeanten Abbey quickly became one of the most important monasteries in Wales. It became a center of learning and culture, and it played a major role in the evangelization of the region. Kanten died in 620, and he was buried in the abbey church.

Kanten is venerated as a saint by the Catholic Church. He is the patron saint of Llangeanten, and he is also invoked for protection against storms and shipwrecks.


8th century

Saint Dominator of Brescia


Bishop of Brescia, Italy.Saint Dominator of Brescia was the 14th bishop of Brescia, Italy. He served from around 490 to 495 AD. He is venerated as a saint by the Catholic Church, and his feast day is celebrated on November 5.

Very little is known about the life of Saint Dominator of Brescia. He is said to have been a man of great faith and holiness. He was known for his wisdom, his compassion, and his love of the poor.

Dominator lived during a time of great turmoil and upheaval in Italy. The Western Roman Empire had collapsed in 476 AD, and the country was ruled by a succession of Germanic warlords. Dominator worked tirelessly to care for his flock during this difficult time. He provided food and shelter to the poor and needy, and he helped to rebuild the churches that had been destroyed by the warlords.

Dominator died in 495 AD, and he was buried in the cathedral of Brescia. His relics were later transferred to the church of San Faustino Maggiore. Dominator is the patron saint of the city of Brescia.



Saint Felix of Terracina




1st century in Terracina, ItalySaint Felix of Terracina was a martyr who is venerated by the Catholic Church. His feast day is celebrated on November 5.

Very little is known about the life of Saint Felix of Terracina. He is said to have been a deacon who lived in the city of Terracina, Italy, in the 4th century. He was arrested and martyred during the persecution of Christians under the Roman Emperor Diocletian.

According to one account, Felix was arrested while he was distributing food to the poor. He was brought before the governor and refused to renounce his faith. He was then tortured and beheaded.

Another account says that Felix was arrested while he was preaching the Gospel. He was brought before the governor and accused of inciting rebellion against the Roman Empire. He was then tortured and beheaded.

Felix is buried in the church of San Cesareo in Palatio in Rome. He is the patron saint of Terracina, and is also invoked for protection against drowning and flooding.

Saint Canonica


Daughter of a prince of Constantinople. Hermitess in the desert of Jordan.Saint Canonica is a minor saint of the Catholic Church. She is venerated by the Church in some parts of Italy, but she is not officially recognized as a saint by the Vatican.

Very little is known about the life of Saint Canonica. She is said to have been a 4th-century nun who lived in the region of Umbria, Italy. She is known for her piety and her dedication to her faith.

Canonica is said to have been a patron of travelers and pilgrims. She is also said to have been a healer, and she is often invoked for protection against illness.

Canonica's feast day is celebrated on November 5. She is venerated at several churches in Umbria, including the church of Santa Canonica in Trevi.

Saint Marco of Troia


Saint Marco of Troia is a 4th-century bishop of Troia, Italy. He is venerated as a saint by the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church.

According to the Martirologio Romano, Marco was born in Aeca, a city that was later destroyed and replaced by Troia. He was ordained a priest and served as a missionary in the region. In 304, he was elected bishop of Troia.

Marco was a zealous defender of the Christian faith. He was imprisoned and tortured during the persecution of Christians under the Roman emperor Diocletian. He was eventually martyred, but the date of his death is uncertain.

Saint Marco's relics are enshrined in the Cathedral of Troia. He is the patron saint of Troia and is also invoked for protection against natural disasters.

Martyrs of Caesarea Maritima


Four young Christian men who were martyred together in the persecutions of Maximian - Aussenzius, Philotheus, Timothy and Theotimus.


in the arena at Caesarea Maritima, Palestine

Martyred in the Spanish Civil War

• Blessed Juan Antoni Burró Mas

• Blessed Juan Duarte Martín

• Blessed María del Carmen Viel Ferrando

All Jesuit Saints

Also known as

• Society of Jesus

• Company of Jesus


1534 by Saint Ignatius Loyola at Montmartre, Paris, France


A body of clerics regular organized for Apostolic work, following a religious rule and relying on alms for their support. It was the chief instrument of the Catholic Reformation. Pope Paul III approved the new rule in 1540, and Ignatius was elected the first general of the order in 1541. The constitutions, drafted by him and based on his Spiritual Exercies were adopted in 1558. It was the first order which enjoined by its constitutions devotion to the cause of education. The ministry of the Society consists chiefly in preaching; teaching catechism; administering the sacraments; conducting missions in parishes; taking care of parishes; organizing pious confraternities; teaching in schools of every grade; writing books, pamphlets, periodical articles; going on foreign missions, and special missions when ordered by the pope. The general resides at Rome, Italy and has a council of assistants. The motto of the Society is Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam (For the greater glory of God).

Profiled Jesuit Saints, Beati and Venerables

• Blessed Aleixo Delgado • Blessed Alfredo Simón Colomina • Blessed Alonso de Baena • Blessed Alphonsus Pacheco • Blessed Álvaro Borralho Mendes • Blessed Amaro Vaz • Blessed Ambrose Fernandez • Blessed André Gonçalves • Blessed Anne-Alexandre-Charles-Marie Lanfant • Blessed Anthony Baldinucci • Blessed Anthony Turner • Blessed António Correia • Blessed Antônio Fernandes • Blessed António Soares • Blessed Antonius Kyuni • Blessed Antony Ixida • Blessed Augustine Ota • Blessed Baltasar de Torres Arias • Blessed Bartholomew Alvarez • Blessed Bento de Castro • Blessed Bernardo Francisco de Hoyos Seña • Blessed Brás Ribeiro • Blessed Camillus Costanzo • Blessed Carlo Spinola • Blessed Charles Spinola • Blessed Charles-François le Gué • Blessed Charles-Jéremie Bérauld du Pérou • Blessed Claude Cayx-Dumas • Blessed Claude-Antoine-Raoul Laporte • Blessed Claude-François Gagnières des Granges • Blessed Constantino Carbonell Sempere • Blessed Dario Hernández Morató • Blessed Didacus Yuki Ryosetsu • Blessed Diego Carvalho • Blessed Diego Luis de San Vitores-Alonso • Blessed Diogo de Andrade • Blessed Diogo Pires Mimoso • Blessed Dionysius Fugixima • Blessed Domingos Fernandes • Blessed Dominic Collins • Blessed Edmund Daniel • Blessed Edward Oldcorne • Blessed Éloy Herque du Roule • Blessed Emmanuel d’Abreu • Blessed Esteban Zuraire • Blessed Fernando Sánchez • Blessed Francis Page • Blessed Francisco Alvares • Blessed Francisco de Magalhães • Blessed Francisco Pacheco • Blessed Francisco Pérez Godoy • Blessed François Balmain • Blessed François Varheilhe-Duteil • Blessed François-Hyacinthe lé Livec de Trésurin • Blessed Gaspar Alvares • Blessed Gaspar Sadamatsu • Blessed Giovanni Battista Zola • Blessed Giovanni Fausti • Blessed Gonçalo Henriques • Blessed Gregorio Escribano • Blessed Guillaume-Antoine Delfaut • Blessed Gundisalvus Fusai Chozo • Blessed Gundisalvus Fusai Chozo • Blessed Ignatius de Azevedo • Blessed Ioannes Chugoku • Blessed Ioannes Kisaku • Blessed Iõao • Blessed Iulianus Nakaura • Blessed Jacques Friteyre-Durvé • Blessed Jacques Salès • Blessed Jacques-Jules Bonnaud • Blessed Jan Beyzym • Blessed Jean Charton de Millou • Blessed Jean-Antoine Seconds • Blessed Jean-François-Marie Benoît-Vourlat • Blessed Jean-Nicolas Cordier • Blessed Jerome de Angelis • Blessed João Fernandes • Blessed João Fernandes • Blessed John Baptist Machado de Tavora • Blessed John Bathe • Blessed John Cornelius • Blessed John Fenwick • Blessed John Gaspard Cratz • Blessed John Gavan • Blessed John Nelson • Blessed John Sullivan • Blessed Josep Tarrats Comaposada • Blessed Joseph Imbert • Blessed Juan Bautista Ferreres Boluda • Blessed Juan de Mayorga • Blessed Juan de San Martín • Blessed Juan de Zafra • Blessed Julian Maunoir • Blessed Leonardus Kimura • Blessed Loup Thomas-Bonnotte • Blessed Ludovicus Kawara Rokuemon • Blessed Luís Correia • Blessed Luís Rodrigues • Blessed Manuel Alvares • Blessed Manuel Fernandes • Blessed Manuel Pacheco • Blessed Manuel Rodrigues • Blessed Marcos Caldeira • Blessed Mathurin-Nicolas de la VilleCrohain le Bous de Villeneuve • Blessed Michaël Nakashima Saburoemon • Blessed Michaël Sato Shunpo • Blessed Michaël Tozo • Blessed Michel-François de la Gardette • Blessed Miguel Agustin Pro • Blessed Miguel Carvalho • Blessed Narcis Basté y Basté • Blessed Nicolau Dinis • Blessed Pau Bori Puig • Blessed Paulus Shinsuke • Blessed Pedro de Fontoura • Blessed Pedro Nunes • Blessed Pere Gelabert Amer • Blessed Peter Paul Navarro • Blessed Peter Wright • Blessed Petrus Rinsei • Blessed Petrus Sanpo • Blessed Pierre-Michel Guérin du Rocher • Blessed Ralph Ashley • Blessed Ralph Corby • Blessed Ramón Grimaltos Monllor • Blessed René-Marie Andrieux • Blessed Robert Middleton • Blessed Robert-François Guérin du Rocher • Blessed Roger Filcock • Blessed Rudolph Aquaviva • Blessed Sebastianus Kimura • Blessed Simão da Costa • Blessed Simão Lopes • Blessed Simon Yempo • Blessed Thomas Akahoshi • Blessed Thomas Cottam • Blessed Thomas Holland • Blessed Thomas Tsuji • Blessed Thomas Whitbread • Blessed Tomàs Sitjar Fortiá • Blessed Vicente Sales Genovés • Blessed Vincent de Cunha • Blessed Vincent-Joseph le Rousseau de Rosencoat • Blessed Vincentius Kaun • Blessed William Boyton • Blessed William Harcourt • Blessed William Ireland • Blessed William Saultemouche • Saint Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga • Saint Alexander Briant • Saint Alonso Rodriguez • Saint Alonso Rodriguez • Saint Aloysius Gonzaga • Saint Andrew Bobola • Saint Anthony Daniel • Saint Bernadine Realino • Saint Charles Garnier • Saint Claude de la Colombiere • Saint David Lewis • Saint Edmund Arrowsmith • Saint Edmund Campion • Saint Francis Borgia • Saint Francis of Girolamo • Saint Francis Xavier • Saint Gabriel Lalemant • Saint Henry Morse • Saint Henry Walpole • Saint Ignatius of Loyola • Saint Isaac Jogues • Saint István Pongrácz • Saint Jacques Berthieu • Saint Jacques Fermin • Saint James Kisai • Saint Jean-Pierre Néel • Saint John Berchmans • Saint John de Brébeuf • Saint John Francis Regis • Saint John Ogilvie • Saint John Soan de Goto • Saint José de Anchieta • Saint José María Rubio y Peralta • Saint Joseph Pignatelli • Saint Juan del Castillo Rodríguez • Saint Léon-Ignace Mangin • Saint Melichar Grodecký • Saint Modeste Andlauer • Saint Nicholas Owen • Saint Noel Chabanel • Saint Paul Denn • Saint Paul Miki • Saint Paul Suzuki • Saint Peter Canisius • Saint Peter Claver • Saint Peter Faber • Saint Philip Evans • Saint Rémi Isoré • Saint Robert Bellarmine • Saint Robert Southwell • Saint Rocco Gonzalez • Saint Stanislaus Kostka • Saint Thomas Garnet • Venerable Giacinto Alegre Pujals • Venerable Giuseppe Antonio Migliavacca • Venerable Jacques Sevin • Venerable Johann Philipp Jeningen • Venerable Leonard Lessius • Venerable Luis Lapuente • Venerable Petar Barbaric • Venerable Tiburcio Arnáiz Muñoz •

Tigrino of Rome

Tigrino of Rome was a martyr who died in the persecutions of Decius in 250 at Rome. He is also known as Tigrinus of Rome.

Tigrino was a priest of the Church of Rome. He was arrested and imprisoned for his faith during the persecution of Christians under the Roman emperor Decius. Tigrino was tortured and eventually beheaded on February 6, 250.

Tigrino is remembered as a saint and martyr for his courage and faithfulness in the face of persecution. He is a reminder of the many Christians who have suffered and died for their faith throughout history.

Tigrino is commemorated on February 6 in the Orthodox Church and on March 5 in the Catholic Church. He is often depicted in art holding a palm branch, which is a symbol of victory and martyrdom.

 Trofimena of Sicily

Saint Trofimena of Sicily (died c. 304) is a virgin martyr and the patron saint of the town of Minori, Italy. She is also venerated in Sicily and other parts of Italy. 

According to legend, Trofimena was a Christian girl who lived in the Sicilian town of Patti during the reign of the Roman emperor Diocletian. When her father discovered that she was a Christian, he was furious and ordered her to be put to death. Trofimena was beheaded, but her body was miraculously preserved and washed ashore in Minori.

The people of Minori buried Trofimena's body in a tomb and began to venerate her as a saint. Her relics are now enshrined in the Basilica of Santa Trofimena in Minori.

Saint Trofimena is often depicted in art as a young woman with a palm branch and a dove, symbols of martyrdom and the Holy Spirit. She is also sometimes depicted with a dragon, symbolizing her victory over evil.