புனிதர்களை பெயர் வரிசையில் தேட


04 February 2025

இன்றைய புனிதர்கள் பெப்ரவரி 05

 St. Abraham

Died 345


Venerated in Syrian Orthodox Church

Feast February 4 and 5, January 31

A bishop of Arbela in Assyria who suffered martyrdom during the persecutions conducted by King Shapur II of Persia. He is recorded as being executed at a site called Telman.

Abraham of Arbela (died c. 345) (also known as Abramius) was a bishop of Arbela (also Persian) in Assyria.

During the imprisonment of Bishop Ioannis of Arbela, he was appointed as his deputy by the local religious community. The church historian Sozomen (died c. 450) described in the second book of his Christian Church, among other things, the persecutions and tortures that took place in the Persian Empire under Shapur II (died 379). In paragraph 8 of chapter 8 he says:

At that same period of government [of Sapor] the blood of an almost innumerable multitude of bishops, priests, deacons, lower clergy, religious and consecrated virgins, received the crown of martyrdom.[1]

Among the names he had been able to retrieve, the name of Bishop Abraham of Arbela also appeared. [2] He was tortured and later beheaded under Shapur II because he refused to worship the sun in Telman. The saint is venerated on February 5.[3]

He has two feast days – February 4 and 5, but January 31 in the Catholic Church.

Saint Agatha of Sicily

சிசிலியின் புனிதர் அகதா 

கன்னி மற்றும் மறைசாட்சி:

பிறப்பு: கி.பி. 231

கேட்டனியா அல்லது பலெர்மோ, சிசிலி

இறப்பு: கி.பி. 251

கேட்டனியா, சிசிலி

ஏற்கும் சபை/ சமயம்:

ரோமன் கத்தோலிக்க திருச்சபை

கிழக்கு மரபுவழி திருச்சபை

ஓரியண்ட்டல் மரபுவழி திருச்சபை

ஆங்கிலிக்கன் சமூகம்

நினைவுத் திருவிழா: ஃபெப்ரவரி 5


கேட்டனியா (Catania), மோலிஸ் (Molise), மால்ட்டா (Malta), சேன் மரினோ (San Marino), ஸ்பெயின் நாட்டின் செகோவியா பிராந்தியத்திலுள்ள 'ஸமர்ரமல' என்னும் ஊர்ப்பஞ்சாயத்து (Zamarramala, a municipality of the Province of Segovia in Spain), மார்பக புற்று நோயாளிகள் (Breast cancer patients), மறைசாட்சிகள் (Martyrs), செவிலியர் (Wet Nurses), கலிபோர்னியாவின் தென்மேற்கு பிராந்தியத்திலுள்ள "பெல்" என்ற நகரை கண்டுபிடித்தவர்கள் (Bell-Founders), ரொட்டி செய்யும் தொழிலாளி (Bakers), தீ (Fire), பூகம்பம் (Earthquakes), "எட்னா" மலையின் வெடிப்புகள் (Eruptions of Mount Etna).


ரோமப் பேரரசர்களை வணங்க மறுத்தல்

கட்டாயப்படுத்தப்பட்ட பாலியல் தொழில்

பாலியல் வன்கொடுமை, மற்றும் கன்னித்தன்மையை காத்துக்கொள்வதற்கான போர்

புனிதர் அகதா, மறைசாட்சியாக மரித்த ஒரு கன்னியரும், கிறிஸ்தவ புனிதருமாவார். ரோமன் கத்தோலிக்க திருச்சபையின் திருப்பலியின்போது, கடவுளை அதிதூய அன்னை, அர்ச்சிஷ்ட்ட கன்னி மரியாளுடன் சேர்ந்து நினைவுகூறப்படும் ஏழு பெண்களில் இவரும் ஒருவர் ஆவார்.

பழங்கால கிறிஸ்தவ புராணத்தில், மிகவும் உயர்வாக போற்றப்படும் கன்னியராக மறைசாட்சியாக மரித்த பெண்களுள் புனிதர் அகதாவும் ஒருவர் ஆவார். கி.பி. 249ம் ஆண்டு முதல் 253ம் ஆண்டு வரையான காலகட்டத்தில், ரோமப் பேரரசை ஆண்ட பேரரசன் "டேசியஸ்" (Full Name - Gaius Messius Quintus Trajanus Decius) என்பவன் கிறிஸ்தவர்களுக்கெதிரான துன்புறுத்தல் மற்றும் சித்திரவதைகளை ஆரம்பித்து வைத்த முதல் பேரரசன் ஆவான். இவனது காலத்திலேயே புனிதர் அகதா, சிசிலியில் உள்ள “கேட்டனியா” (Catania) என்னும் இடத்தில் வைத்து, தமது மிக உறுதியான கிறிஸ்தவ விசுவாசத்திற்காக கொடூரமான முறையில் வதைக்கப்பட்டு கொல்லப்பட்டார்.

வசதிவாய்ப்புகளுள்ள குடும்பமொன்றில் பிறந்த அகதா, ஆன்மீகத்தில் ஈடுபாடு மிகக்கொண்டிருந்தார். தமது வாழ்வின் ஒவ்வொரு தருணங்களும் இறைவனால் தீர்மானிக்கப்பட்டவை என்ற தீவிர விசுவாசம் கொண்டிருந்தார். "ஜாகொபஸ் டி வொராஜின்" (Jacobus de Voragine) என்ற கிறிஸ்தவ சரித்திர ஆசிரியரின் (Legenda Aurea of 1288 AD) எனும் இலக்கியத்தின்படி, அகதா தமது கன்னிமையை இறைவனுக்கே அர்ப்பணித்தார். இவருக்கு பதினைந்து வயதானபோது, இவர்மீது மோகம் கொண்ட ரோமன் நிர்வாக அலுவலரான (Roman prefect) "குயின்ஷியானஸ்" (Quintianus) என்பவனை தீர்க்கமாக நிராகரித்தார். ஆத்திரம் கொண்ட குயின்ஷியானஸ், இவரை இவரது கிறிஸ்தவ விசுவாசத்துக்காக துன்புறுத்தினான். பின்னர், "அப்ரோடிசியா" (Aphrodisia) என்ற விபச்சார விடுதி நடத்துபவனிடம் அனுப்பினான்.

அவரை எளிதில் கையாள முடியாது என்பதை கண்டுகொண்ட குயின்ஷியானஸ், அகதாவை பயமுறுத்தினான். அவருடன் வாதிட்டான். இறுதியில் அவரை சிறையில் அடைத்தான். சிறையில் எண்ணற்ற சித்திரவதைகளுக்கு ஆளான அகதாவின் மார்பகங்களை குறடு போன்ற இடுக்கியால் அறுத்தனர். மேற்கொண்டும் அவனுக்கு மசியாத அகதா அவனுடன் வியக்கத்தக்க வகையில் வாதிட்டு தமது மனோபலம் மற்றும் உறுதியான பக்தியைக் காண்பித்தார்.

இறுதியில், அகதாவை கூறிய மரக்குச்சுகளினால் தீயிட்டு எரித்துக் கொள்ள தீர்ப்பிடப்பட்டது. ஆனால் அவரது விதி, அவரை ஒரு பூகம்பம் மூலம் இரட்சித்தது. மீண்டும் சிறையிலடைக்கப்பட்ட அகதாவுக்கு அப்போஸ்தலரான புனிதர் பேதுரு (St. Peter the Apostle) காட்சியளித்து அவரது மார்பக மற்றும் உடலிலிருந்த காயங்களை ஆற்றினார். புனிதர் அகதா சிறையிலேயே மரித்துப் போனார். "கட்டானியா" பேராலயம் (Catania Cathedral) இவர் பெயரில் அர்ப்பணிக்கப்பட்டதாகும்.

Also known as

• Agatha of Catania

• Agatha of Palermo

• Águeda...


We have little reliable information about this martyr, who has been honoured since ancient times, and whose name is included in the canon of the Mass. Young, beautiful and rich, Agatha lived a life consecrated to God. When Decius announced the edicts against Christians, the magistrate Quinctianus tried to profit by Agatha's sanctity; he planned to blackmail her into sex in exchange for not charging her. Handed over to a brothel, she refused to accept customers. After rejecting Quinctianus's advances, she was beaten, imprisoned, tortured, her breasts were crushed and cut off. She told the judge, "Cruel man, have you forgotten your mother and the breast that nourished you, that you dare to mutilate me this way?" One version has it that Saint Peter healed her. She was then imprisoned again, then rolled on live coals; when she was near death, an earthquake stuck. In the destruction that followed, a friend of the magistrate was crushed, and the magistrate fled. Agatha thanked God for an end to her pain, and died.

Legend says that carrying her veil, taken from her tomb in Catania, in procession has averted eruptions of Mount Etna. Her intercession is reported to have saved Malta from Turkish invasion in 1551.


in prison at Catania or Palermo, Sicily (sources vary)


martyred c.250 at Catania, Sicily by being rolled on coals

Blessed Elisabetta Canori Mora


Born to a wealthy Italian noble family, the daughter of Tommaso and Teresa Primoli. She married Cristoforo Mora on 10 January 1796. Cristoforo, a lawyer, was jealous, controlling, and became suspicious of Elisabetta's family ties; he finally became resentful, abusive, then cold and indifferent to her. Along the way they had four daughters, two of whom died in infancy. Cristoforo took up with another woman, spent the family funds on her, and finally deserted Elisabetta and the girls, leaving them in poverty. Elisabetta's health broke, she became very ill, and was finally compelled to sell inherited jewelry and her wedding dress to pay her bills. She dedicated herself to caring for her children, to prayer, and to a quiet ministry of caring for the sick and the poor, especially poor families. Trinitarian tertiary. Her reputation for holiness spread, as did a reputation for mystic experiences and miracles. Her prayers certainly achieved one amazing result - after her death, Cristoforo changed his life, joined in the Franciscans, and became a priest in Sezze, Italy.


21 November 1774 in Rome, Italy


• the night of 5 February 1825 in Rome, Italy

• buried at the Church of San Carlino alle Quattro Fontane, Rome


24 April 1994 by Pope John Paul II

Saint Adelaide of Guelders

Also known as

• Adelaide of Vilich

• Adelaide of Bellich

• Adelaide of Münster

• Alice, Adelheid, Adalheide


Daughter of Megingoz (Megengose), Count of Guelders. Joined the Ursuline convent at Cologne, Germany. Benedictine nun. Abbess of Villich, Germany. Abbess of Our Lady of the Capitol at Cologne. Both houses had been founded by her father. She insisted that the sisters in her houses study Latin so they would better understand the Mass. Noted for her charity to the poor. Counselor to the archbishop of Cologne.


c.960 in Geldern, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany


• 5 February 1015 at Our Lady of the Capitol convent at Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany of natural causes

• buried in Villich, Germany


27 January 1966 by Pope Paul VI (cultus confirmation)

Saint Avitus of Vienne

Also known as

• Alcimus Ecdicius

• Avito


Son of Saint Isychius. Brother of Saint Apollinaris of Valence. Bishop of Vienne, France, succeeding his father. Fought Arianism, ransomed captives, and supported papal authority as the mainstay of religious unity. Brought King Saint Sigismund of Burgundy, and was well thought of personally not only by the Christians in his diocese but also the pagan Franks and Arian Burgundians. Presided over the Council of Epaon in 517. He wrote a long, elegant narrative poem describing original sin, expulsion from paradise, the Flood, and crossing of the Red Sea; Milton made use of it when writing Paradise Lost.


c.451 in Auvergne, Vienne, Gaul (in modern France)


• c.525 of natural causes

• relics at Vienne, France

Saint Bertulph of Renty

Also known as

Berton, Bertou, Bertoul, Bertulf, Bertulphe, Bertulphus


Convert as a young man in Flanders, Belgium. Managed a farm in Renty, France for Count Wambert for several years. Pilgrim to Rome, Italy. Parish priest in Renty. Founded and led a monastery nearby until his death.


c.640 in eastern Europe


• c.705 of natural causes

• relics enshrined at Harelbeke, Belgium

• relics interred in an iron chest at Saint Peter's Abbey, Ghent, Belgium

• relics stolen in 939 but located and returned by Count Arnulf of Flanders and Bishop Wigbert of Thérouanne

• relics destroyed by Huguenots in 1578

Saint Albinus of Brixen

Also known as

• Albinus of Säben-Brixen

• Albinus of Bressanone

• Albuin, Albuino, Albuinus


Born to the nobility, the son of Saint Agatha Hildegardis of Carinthia and Count Paul, Margrave of Carinthia. Bishop of Sabion, South Tyrol (in modern Italy) in 975, a see that was moved to Brixen, Italy.


10th century Carinthia, Austria


• 5 February 1005 in Brixen, Italy

• relics transferred to the cathedral in Bressanone, Italy in 1141

Saint Genuinus of Sabion

Also known as

Genuino, Ingenium, Ingenuin, Ingenuino, Ingenuinus, Ingwin, Jenewein

Additional Memorial

13 May (translation of relics)


Bishop of Sabion, a small town of the Italian Tyrol that has since disappeared. Attended the Synod of Marano in 588.


6th century


• c.605 in Sabiona, Italy of natural causes

• relics transferred to the main altar in the cathedral in Bressanone, Italy

Saint Calamanda of Calaf


Young woman martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian. A number of other stories have been attached to her including that she was one of the companions of Saint Ursula or that her father killed her for refusing an arranged marriage, but these are apparently stories in search of a character that were simply stuck on her later.


Calaf or Anoia, Catalonia, Spain


• arms hacked off so that she bled to death in 303 in Calaf, Spain

• buried in the church of San Jaume in Calaf


by Pope Urban V (cultus confirmation)

Saint Jesús Méndez-Montoya

Also known as

Gesú Méndez

Additional Memorial

21 May as one of the Martyrs of the Mexican Revolution


Priest in the diocese of Morelia, Mexico. During the persecutions of the Mexican Revolution, he hid in the villages of the peasants, living with the poorest, teaching catechism. Musician and music teacher. Martyr.


10 June 1880 in Tarímbaro, Michoacán, Mexico


shot three times on 5 February 1928 in Valtierrilla, Guanajuato, Mexico


21 May 2000 by Pope John Paul II

Saint Luca di Demenna

Also known as

Luca d'Armento


Monk in Sicily. When the Muslim Saracens invaded the region, he moved from house to house to avoid them. Founded the monastery of Saints Elias and Anastasio, Carbone, Italy and served as its first abbot. Luca based his approach to the monastic life on the Greek monks.


10th century Sicily, Italy


• 5 February 995 in the monastery of Saints Elias and Anastasio in Carbone, Italy of natural causes

• buried in the monastery church

Saint Agatha Hildegard of Carinthia

Also known as



Lay woman, married to Count Paul of Carinthia (part of modern Austria. He was a jealous man who abused her for years before her prayers and devotion converted him to the faith and changed his ways. Mother of Saint Albinus of Brixen. Widow. Venerated in Carinthia as a model wife.




1024 of natural causes

Saint Anthony of Athens

Also known as



A slave purchased by a series of Muslims, each of which tried (and failed) to convert him from Christianity. One of them finally falsely denounced him as having converted to Islam and then back to Christianity, which was a capital offense. Martyr.


Athens, Greece


• the executioner tapped him lightly on the neck several times in hopes that Anthony would denounce Christianity; he wouldn't

• beheaded in 1777 in Constantinople

Blessed Françoise Mézière

Additional Memorial

21 January as one of the Blessed Martyrs of Laval


Lay woman in the diocese of Laval, France. Martyred in the French Revolution.


25 August 1745 in Mézangers, Mayenne, France


5 February 1794 in Laval, Mayenne, France


19 June 1955 by Pope Pius XII at Rome, Italy

Saint Kichi Franciscus

Also known as

• Caius Francis

• Gaius Francis


Layman soldier. Convert. Franciscan tertiary. When soldiers came to arrest the Franciscan friars, he insisted he was a Christian, too; they took him, and he shared their fate. Martyr.


Kyoto, Japan


crucified on 5 February 1597 at Nagasaki, Japan


8 June 1862 by Pope Pius IX

Saint Dominica of Shapwick

Also known as



Irish princess. Following a pilgrimage to Rome, Italy, she was murdered with her brother, Saint Indract, and six others by heathen Saxon brigands. Because they were on a holy journey, and were killed by non-Christians, contemporaries considered them martyrs. Later legends swell the number of her martyred companions to 100.




• c.710 at Shapwick, England

• relics at Glastonbury, England

Saint Indract


Irish prince, noted for gentleness and piety. Following a pilgrimage to Rome, Italy, he was murdered with his sister, Saint Dominica, and six others by heathen Saxon brigands; because they were on a holy journey, and were killed by non-Christians, contemporaries considered them martyrs. Later legends incorrectly make Indract a friend of Saint Patrick, and swell the number of his martyred companions to 100.




• c.710 at Shapwick, England

• relics at Glastonbury, England

Saint Gabriel de Duisco


Convert, brought to the faith by Saint Gundisalvus Garcia. Franciscan tertiary. Catechist. Martyr.


c.1578 at Ise, Japan


crucified on 5 February 1597 at Tateyama (Hill of Wheat), Nagasaki, Japan


8 June 1862 by Pope Pius IX

Blessed John Morosini


Benedictine monk at Cuxá, Catalonian Pyranees. Founded the monastery of San Giorgio Maggiiore in Venice, Italy c.982, and served as its first abbot.


at Venice, Italy


1012 of natural causes


never formally beatified, and there is no evidence of popular cultus, but always referred to as beatus

Saint Agricola of Tongres

Also known as

Agricolus, Agricolaus

Additional Memorial

15 May as one of the Bishops of Maastricht


Bishop of Tongres, Belgium in 384.


4th century Netherlands


• early morning of 18 July 401 of natural causes

• buried in the church of Our Lady in Huy, Belgium

Blessed Primo Andrés Lanas

Also known as



Monk. Member of the Hospitallers of Saint John of God. Martyred in the Spanish Civil War.


7 February 1877 in Maeztu, Alava, Spain


5 February 1937 in Madrid, Spain


13 October 2013 by Pope Francis

Saint Vodoaldus of Soissons

Also known as

Vodale, Voel, Vodalis, Vodalus


Missionary from the British Isles to France. Hermit beside Saint Mary's convent at Soissons, France. Known as a miracle worker.


Irish or Scottish


725 near Soissons, France of natural causes

Blessed Christopher of Pavia


Franciscan Conventual Friar Minor at the Borgo San Sepolcro convent in Tuscany, Italy. He is listed in the Franciscan martryology, and buried in the convent, both obvious signs of piety, but no details about his life have survived.


1532 of natural causes

Blessed Peter of Perugia


Franciscan Conventual Friar Minor at the Borgo San Sepolcro convent in Tuscany, Italy. He is listed in the Franciscan martryology, and buried in the convent, both obvious signs of piety, but no details about his life have survived.


1532 of natural causes

Saint Saba the Younger


Brother of Saint Macarius. Monk. Worked with his brother to spread the monastic life through the Calabria and Lucania regions of Italy during a time when Muslim Saracen invaders were disrupting religious life.


995 in the monastery of San Cesario, Rome, Italy

Saint Modestus of Carinthia

Also known as

Modestus of Salzburg


Benedictine monk. Spiritual student of Saint Virgilius at Salzburg, Austria. Bishop of Carinthia, Austria, and largely responsible for the region's evangelization.


c.722 of natural causes

Blessed Eulalia de Pinos


Born to the nobility, Eulalia renounced wealth and worldly life, and joined the Mercedarians in Barcelona, Spain in the early 13th century, receiving the habit from Blessed Bernard of Corbara. Noted for her ministry to the poor.

Martyrs of Pontus


An unknown number of Christians who were tortured and martyred in assorted painful ways in the region of Pontus (in modern Turkey) during the persecutions of Maximian.

Saint Buo of Ireland


Monk. Missionary to the Norwegians on Iceland and the Faroe Islands.




c.900 of natural causes

Saint Isidore of Alexandria






Alexandria, Egypt

Saint Fingen of Metz


Monk. Abbot. Known for restoring old monasteries.


10th century Ireland



Saint Dubtach Mac Dubhan


Saint Dubtach Mac Dubhan was an Irish priest believed to have lived in the 9th century.

Sources place him within the lineage of Conal Gulban, son of Niall.

While sometimes confused with Dubtach, Bishop of Armagh who died in 513, the two are distinct individuals.

Saint Dubtach Mac Dubhan's feast day is celebrated on February 5th according to Irish martyrologies, not February 2nd as previously mentioned.

Agnellus of Trent

Bishop of Trent: There seems to be a mention of a Bishop Agnellus of Trent in connection with Duke Gaidoald of Trent, who ruled in the late 6th and early 7th centuries. Sources suggest that both the Duke and the Bishop adhered to the Three Chapters, a theological controversy of the time.

 Domitian of Carinthia

Domitian of Carinthia (also known as Domitian of Carantania, Domislav, or Tuitianus) was a Slavic nobleman who lived in the principality of Carantania (present-day Carinthia, Austria) during the reign of Charlemagne (747-814). However, there isn't a widely recognized feast day associated with him.

Here's what we know about Domitian:

Life and Legacy:

He is considered the legendary founder of the Millstatt Abbey church and was venerated as a saint.

The exact details of his life and role are shrouded in legend, making it difficult to pinpoint a specific feast day.

Some sources mention him being baptized by Saint Rupert, bishop of Salzburg, or one of his successors.

He played a significant role in spreading Christianity among the Slavic people in Carantania.

His relics are believed to be housed in a reliquary shrine at the Millstatt Abbey church.

Possible connections to February 2nd:

While there's no official feast day for Domitian, the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple is celebrated on February 2nd in the Catholic Church. This could be a potential reason for a local commemoration of Domitian, as he's associated with bringing Christianity to the region.

Another possibility is that a local tradition or specific church community might celebrate his memory on February 2nd, but this wouldn't be recognized as a widespread feast day.