புனிதர்களை பெயர் வரிசையில் தேட


12 October 2024

இன்றைய புனிதர்கள் அக்டோபர் 13

  St. Colman of Stockerau

புனித_கோல்மன் (-1012)

அக்டோபர் 13

இவர் (#St_Colman) அயர்லாந்து நாட்டைச் சார்ந்தவர்.

இறைவன்மீது மிகுந்த பற்றுக்கொண்ட இவர் ஒருமுறை திருப்பயணமாகப் புனித நாடுகளுக்குச் சென்றார்.

ஆஸ்திரியாவின் வியன்னா நகரிலிருந்து ஆறு கிலோமீட்டர் தொலைவில் உள்ள ஸ்டோகெரா (Stockerau) என்ற இடத்திற்கு வந்தபொழுது, அங்கிருந்த ஒரு சிலர் இவரை உளவாளி என்று நினைத்து, பிடித்துக் கடுமையாகச் சித்திரவதை செய்து கொன்று, காட்டுப் பக்கமாய் வீசியெறிந்தனர்.

இவரது உடல் காட்டுப்பக்கம் வீசப்பட்ட போதும் 18 மாதங்களுக்கு அழிவுறாமல் அப்படியே இருந்தது. இதைப் பார்த்துவிட்டு, ஆஸ்திரியாவிலிருந்த மக்கள், 'ஓர் இறைமனிதரை அல்லவா நாம் உளவாளி என்று  நினைத்து அநியாயமாகக் கொன்று போட்டுவிட்டோம்' என்று தங்களுடைய தவற்றுக்காக மனம் வருந்தினார்கள்.

மேலும் அவர்கள் இவரை ஒரு புனிதராக நினைத்து வணக்கம் செலுத்தத் தொடங்கினர்.

இவர் ஆஸ்திரியாவின் பாதுகாவலராக கருதப்படுகிறார்.

Feastday: October 13

Patron: of Austria; Melk; patron of hanged men, horned cattle, and horses; invoked against plague and for husbands by marriageable girls; invoked against hanging; invoked against gout

Death: 1012

An Irish or Scottish pilgrim who was martyred in Austria while on the way to the Holy Land. Tortured and hanged as a spy, he edified everyone with his courage. His body remained preserved, and miracles were reported at his grave. The Austrians realized that Colman was a holy man, put to death by mistake. He became a patron saint of Austria.

St. Faustus

Feastday: October 13

Death: 304

Saint Faustus of Riez (c. 400 – c. 490) was a bishop of Riez in southern Gaul and a leading opponent of the Arian and Pelagian heresies. He is revered as a saint by the Catholic Church and his feast day is celebrated on September 28.

Faustus was born in Britain and was educated as a philosopher. He converted to Christianity and became a monk at the renowned Monastery of Lérins, putting himself under the spiritual direction of Saint Honoratus and Saint Caprasius. His humility, obedience, meekness and zeal in the ascetic struggle enabled him to make rapid progress in the monastic virtues, so that he was highly regarded by the Holy Abbot Maximus, and by other brethren. When Maximus was appointed Bishop of Riez in Provence in 434, Faustus succeeded him as Abbot of Lérins. During the twenty-seven years of his abbacy, Saint Faustus ensured that the monastic life at Lérins was well-ordered and faithful to the tradition of the Eastern Fathers.

In 459, Faustus was elected Bishop of Riez. He quickly established himself as a leading voice in the Gallic church. He was a staunch opponent of Arianism, which denied the divinity of Christ. He also opposed Pelagianism, which taught that humans can achieve salvation without God's grace.

Faustus was a prolific writer. He wrote commentaries on Scripture, treatises on theology, and sermons. He is best known for his book De gratia, which is considered the definitive statement on Semi-Pelagianism, a theological system that falls between the extremes of Pelagianism and Augustinianism.

One of "the Three Crowns of Cordoba, with Januarius and Martial. These martyrs of Cordoba, Spain, were so named by Prudentius. They were tortured cruelly and then burned to death.

St. Maurice of Carnoet

Feastday: October 13

Birth: 1117

Death: 1191

As a monk of the Cistercian monastery of Langonnet, France, Maurice Duault, of Croixanvec, France, exhibited great humility, simplicity, and prudence. He was soon chosen to become Langonnet's abbot. Thereafter he was sent to found a monastery in the forest of Carnoet. The surrounding woods were menaced by aggressive wolves. Upon being asked by his fellow monks to pronounce an excommunication against all the wolves, Maurice reminded them that wolves and "all beasts created by God" should exist, for "God saw all things which he had made, and they were very good." But he added, "May Jesus Christ, and his holy Mother, whom I serve, drive out those wolves who rage violently in the slaughter of men." Shortly afterward, two large wolves were discovered lying dead near the monastery, evidently felled by the abbot's appeal to Jesus and Mary (for the animals showed no signs of injury that would explain their deaths). Among the many miracles attributed to the intercession of Saint Maurice following his death, a boy who had drowned was raised to life when his body was brought to the abbot's tomb.

Maurice of Carnoet was a Cistercian abbot. Born in Brittany, Maurice went on to study at the University of Paris. When he completed his studies he entered the Langonette Monastery in 1144. In 1176 he was elected abbot of Langonette Monastery. Later Duke Conan IV of Brittany build the Carnoet Abbey, for Maurice. In 1176 he became the monastery's first abbot.

St. Edward the Confessor

ஒப்புரவாளர் புனிதர் எட்வர்ட் 

இங்கிலாந்து அரசர்/ ஒப்புரவாளர்:

ஏற்கும் சமயம்:

ரோமன் கத்தோலிக்க திருச்சபை

ஆங்கிலேய திருச்சபை

கிழக்கு மரபுவழி திருச்சபை

ஆங்கிலிக்கன் சமூகம்

பிறப்பு: கி.பி. 1003

இஸ்லிப், ஆக்ஸ்ஃபோர்ட்ஷைர், இங்கிலாந்து

இறப்பு: ஜனவரி 5, 1066 (வயது 63)

லண்டன், இங்கிலாந்து

புனிதர் பட்டம்: ஃபெப்ரவரி 7, 1161

திருத்தந்தை மூன்றாம் அலெக்சாண்டர்


கடினமான திருமணங்கள், இங்கிலாந்து, இங்கிலாந்து அரச குடும்பம், அரசர்கள்

நினைவுத் திருநாள்: அக்டோபர் 13

புனிதர் எட்வர்ட், கி.பி. 1042ம் ஆண்டு முதல், 1066ம் ஆண்டுகளுக்கிடையே இங்கிலாந்து நாட்டை ஆண்ட "ஆங்கிலோ-சாக்ஸன்" (Anglo-Saxon kings of England) அரச வம்சத்தைச் சேர்ந்த கடைசி அரசராவார்.

இவர், "ஈதல்ரெட்” மற்றும் “எம்மா" (Ethelred the Unready and Emma of Normandy) ஆகியோரின் புதல்வராவார். ஈதல்ரெட்'டின் ஏழாவது புதல்வரான இவர், ஈதல்ரெட்'டின் இரண்டாவது மனைவியான எம்மா'வின் தலைமகனாவார்.

இங்கிலாந்து நாட்டில் அரசராக முடிசூட்டப்பட்ட இவரது ஆட்சியில் மக்கள் மகிழ்ச்சியாகவும் அமைதியாகவும் வாழ்ந்தார்கள். இவர் இளமையில் மிகவும் துன்பப்பட்டவர். இங்கிலாந்திலிருந்து நாடு கடத்தப்பட்டு ஃபிரான்ஸ் நாட்டிற்கு போய் நார்மண்டி மாகாணத்தில் சுமார் இருபத்தைந்து ஆண்டு காலம் வாழ்ந்தார்.

அரசரான போது இவருக்கு வயது 40. செபித்து பிற சிநேகச் செயல்கள் செய்வார். மக்களை சாந்தத்துடனும் நீதியுடனும் விவேகத்துடனும் ஆண்டு வந்தார். கைவிடப்பட்டு சந்நியாச மடங்கள் திரும்பவும் தொடங்கப்பட்டன. மக்களுக்கு நல்ல கல்விப் பயிற்சி அளிக்கப்பட்டது. நியாயமான ஒரு அரசரை எதிரிகள் தாக்கியபோது முதன்முறை இவர் உதவிக்குச் சென்றார் 23 ஆண்டுகளாக நாட்டை ஆண்டார். நாடு செழித்தோங்கியது. அநியாயமாக யாரும் தண்டிக்கப் பட்டதில்லை. தேவையற்ற வரிகளைத் தள்ளிவிட்டார். மக்கள் இவரை தெய்வமாக போற்றினார்கள். தம் நாட்டுக்கு வர இருந்த தீமைகளை இவர் முன்னறிவித்தார். "நாட்டில் தீமை அதிகரித்து நிரம்பி வழியும் போது கடவுள் கோபத்துடன் தீய சக்திகளை நம் நாட்டு மக்களிடையே அனுப்புவார். அவை மக்களை கடுமையாக தண்டித்து உபாதிக்கும். பச்சைக்கிளை தாய் மரத்திலிருந்து பிரிந்து மூன்று பர்லாங்கு தூரம் கொண்டு செல்லும், என்றாலும் இறுதியில் இறக்கம் நிறைந்த கடவுள் மரத்துடன் அதை இணைத்து விடுவார். பின் அது செழித்து ஓங்கி கனி தரும்" என்று அவர் முன்னறிவித்தது பின்னர் நிறைவேறலாயிற்று.

இவரது ஆட்சிக்காலத்தில், இங்கிலாந்தின் "ரோமநீஸ்க் திருச்சபையின்" (Romanesque church in England) "வெஸ்ட்மின்ஸ்டர் மடாலய"த்தின் (Westminster Abbey) கட்டுமானப் பணிகளின் மீது அதீத அக்கறை இருந்தது வெளிப்படையாக தெரிந்தது. கி.பி. 1042ம் ஆண்டு முதல், 1052ம் ஆண்டுகளுக்கிடையே, "அரச அடக்க தேவாலயமாக" தொடங்கப்பட்ட இதன் கட்டுமானப் பணிகள், இவரது மரணத்தின் பின்பே, கி.பி. சுமார் 1090ம் ஆண்டு, நிறைவடைந்தன.

எட்வர்ட், இங்கிலாந்து நாட்டை ஆண்ட "ஆங்கிலோ-சாக்ஸன்" (Anglo-Saxon) வம்சத்தின் ஒரே புனிதர் ஆவார்.

Feastday: October 13

Edward the Confessor was the son of King Ethelred III and his Norman wife, Emma, daughter of Duke Richard I of Normandy. He was born at Islip, England, and sent to Normandy with his mother in the year 1013 when the Danes under Sweyn and his son Canute invaded England. Canute remained in England and the year after Ethelred's death in 1016, married Emma, who had returned to England, and became King of England. Edward remained in Normandy, was brought up a Norman, and in 1042, on the death of his half-brother, Hardicanute, son of Canute and Emma, and largely through the support of the powerful Earl Godwin, he was acclaimed king of England. In 1044, he married Godwin's daughter Edith. His reign was a peaceful one characterized by his good rule and remission of odious taxes, but also by the struggle, partly caused by his natural inclination to favor the Normans, between Godwin and his Saxon supporters and the Norman barons, including Robert of Jumieges, whom Edward had brought with him when he returned to England and whom he named Archbishop of Canterbury in 1051. In the same year, Edward banished Godwin, who took refuge in Flanders but returned the following year with a fleet ready to lead a rebellion. Armed revolt was avoided when the two men met and settled their differences; among them was the Archbishop of Canterbury, which was resolved when Edward replaced Robert with Stigand, and Robert returned to Normandy. Edward's difficulties continued after Godwin's death in 1053 with Godwin's two sons: Harold who had his eye on the throne since Edward was childless, and Tostig, Earl of Northumbria. Tostig was driven from Northumbria by a revolt in 1065 and banished to Europe by Edward, who named Harold his successor. After this Edward became more interested in religious affairs and built St. Peter's Abbey at Westminster, the site of the present Abbey, where he is buried. His piety gained him the surname "the Confessor". He died in London on January 5, and he was canonized in 1161 by Pope Alexander III. His feast day is October 13.

Edward the Confessor[a][b] (c. 1003 – 5 January 1066) was one of the last Anglo-Saxon English kings. Usually considered the last king of the House of Wessex, he ruled from 1042 to 1066.

Edward was the son of Æthelred the Unready and Emma of Normandy. He succeeded Cnut the Great's son – and his own half-brother – Harthacnut. He restored the rule of the House of Wessex after the period of Danish rule since Cnut conquered England in 1016. When Edward died in 1066, he was succeeded by his wife's brother Harold Godwinson, who was defeated and killed in the same year by the Normans under William the Conqueror at the Battle of Hastings. Edward's young great-nephew Edgar the Ætheling of the House of Wessex was proclaimed king after the Battle of Hastings in 1066 but was never crowned and was peacefully deposed after about eight weeks.

Historians disagree about Edward's fairly long 24-year reign. His nickname reflects the traditional image of him as unworldly and pious. Confessor reflects his reputation as a saint who did not suffer martyrdom as opposed to his uncle, King Edward the Martyr. Some portray Edward the Confessor's reign as leading to the disintegration of royal power in England and the advance in power of the House of Godwin, because of the infighting that began after his death with no heirs to the throne. Biographers Frank Barlow and Peter Rex, on the other hand, portray Edward as a successful king, one who was energetic, resourceful and sometimes ruthless; they argue that the Norman conquest shortly after his death tarnished his image.[1][2] However, Richard Mortimer argues that the return of the Godwins from exile in 1052 "meant the effective end of his exercise of power", citing Edward's reduced activity as implying "a withdrawal from affairs"

About a century later, in 1161, Pope Alexander III canonised the king. Edward was one of England's national saints until King Edward III adopted Saint George (George of Lydda) as the national patron saint in about 1350. Saint Edward's feast day is 13 October, celebrated by both the Church of England and the Catholic Church.

Blessed Magdalen Panattieri

Also known as

• Maddalena Panattieri

• Mary Magdalen Panattieri


Tertiary of the Sisters of Penance of Saint Dominic at age 20. She had a great devotion to Saint Catherine of Siena. Magdalen lived at with her family, devoting her days to prayer, and care for the poor and young children. She gave talks to groups of lay people and children, then later to priests and religious. Received the stigmata, but kept it quiet. Noted for her simple innocence and piety; public devotion started spontaneously soon after her death.


1443 at Turino, diocese of Vercelli, Piedmont, Italy


13 October 1503 at Turino, Italy of natural causes


26 September 1827 by Pope Leo XII (cultus confirmed)

Blessed Giovanni Fornasini

Also known as

The Angel of Marzabotto


Ordained a priest of the archdiocese of Bologna, Italy in the cathedral of San Pietro on 28 June 1942 in the midst of World War II. Chaplain and then parish priest in Sperticano, Italy. He took in people who had been displaced in the war, helped others to escape from occupied territory, and ministered to prisoners and those condemned to death, getting around everywhere on a bicycle. For this work, he was murdered and his body mutilated by a German Waffen SS officer. He was posthumously awarded Italy's Gold Medal of Military Valour for saving people from the Fascists.


23 February 1915 in Pianaccio di Lizzano, Belvedere, Bologna, Italy


• 13 October 1944 in San Martino di Caprara, Marzabotto, Bologna, Italy

• buried in the church of San Tommaso in Sperticano, Marzabotto


• 26 September 2021 by Pope Francis

• beatification celebrated at Bologna, Italy, presided by Cardinal Marcello Semeraro

Saint Gerald of Aurillac

புனித ஆரிலேக் ஜெரால்டு

நினைவுத்திருநாள்: அக்டோபர் 13

பிறப்பு : 855, அரிலேக், பிரான்ஸ்

இறப்பு : 13 அக்டோபர் 909, செனெசாக் Cenezac, பிரான்ஸ்

பாதுகாவல்: ஊனமுற்றோர், தனிமையில் வாழ்வோர்

இவர் ஓர் செல்வந்தராக வாழ்ந்துள்ளார் என்றும், துறவியாகாமலே, துறவியைப் போலவே தன் வாழ்நாள் முழுதும் வாழ்ந்துள்ளார் என்றும் கூறப்படுகின்றது. இவரது முகத்தில் பெரிய முகப்பரு ஒன்று காணப்பட்டது. நாளடைவில் அம்முகப்பருவால் அவர் பார்வையை இழந்தார். இவர் ஏழைகளின் மேல் இரக்கமும், கருணையும் கொண்டு வாழ்ந்தார். குருவாக வேண்டுமென்று மிகவும் ஆசைக்கொண்டார். ஆனால் தன் உடல்குறை காரணமாக அவ்வாசை நிறைவேறாமல் போனது. ஜெரால்டு தனது நில புலன்களை விற்று, அவற்றை திருத்தந்தையிடம் கொடுத்து, ஏழை மக்களுக்கு உதவும்படியாக கூறினார். விசுவாசம் ஒன்றே போதுமென்று இறை நம்பிக்கையில் தன் வாழ்வை வாழ்ந்தார். தனிப்பட்ட முறையில் இறைப்பணியை செய்தார்.

சிறப்பான முறையில் மறைப்பணியை ஆற்றினார். கற்பு என்ற வார்த்தைப்பாட்டை தானாகவே எடுத்துக்கொண்டார். திருமண வாழ்வில் ஈடுபடாமல், துறவி போலவே வாழ்ந்து மடங்களை நிறுவினார். அம்மடங்களில் இடைவிடாமல் வழிபாடு வைத்தும், ஆராதனை வைத்தும் செபித்தார். நாளடைவில் இவரின் மடமானது யாத்திரை தளமாக மாறியது. அதில் பெற்ற பணங்களைக் கொண்டு உரோம் நகர திருச்சபைக்கு உதவினார். பிறகு திருத்தந்தையின் ஒப்புதல் பெற்று தனது மடத்தை மதச்சார்பற்ற சபையாக (Secular) மாற்றினார். பலர் இம்மடத்தில் சேரவே, பல நாடுகளுக்கு சென்று மறைபரப்பு பணியை ஆற்றினார். இவர் வாழ்நாள் முழுவதுமே பக்தியையும், நேர்மையையும் தன்னகத்தே கொண்டு வாழ்ந்தார்.


என்றும் வாழ்பவரே! சாதி மதம் இனம் கடந்து பணிபுரியும் மதச்சார்பற்ற துறவற சபையினரை வழிநடத்தும். இவர்களை காணும் மக்கள் அத்துறவிகள் உம்மைக் காண வரம் அருளும். உம்மீது நம்பிக்கையின்றி வாழும் மக்களை உம்பால் ஈர்ந்து, நம்பிக்கையில் வளரவும், வாழவும் உறுதிப்படுத்தியருளும்

Also known as



Born to the nobility, the son of Count Gerard and Saint Adeltrude of Aurillac. The boy suffered from several illnesses in his youth, and eventually went blind. Upon his father's death, Gerald became Count of Aurillac himself; he then gave away his possessions and dedicated himself to God and service. Though he never joined an order or house, he lived in chastity, and recited the Divine Office each day. Built a church and abbey on his property.


855 in Aurillac, France


• 909 at Cenezac, France

• buried in his abbey in Aurillac, France

Blessed Alexandrina Maria da Costa


Lay woman from the diocese of Braga, Portugal. At age 14 Alexandrina jumped from a window to escape a rapist; she was injured in the fall, paralyzed, and was bed-ridden for the rest of her life. Member of the Salesian Cooperators. Mystic and visionary. The last 13 years of her life she had the gift of inedia, living solely off daily Communion.


30 March 1904 at Balasar, Oporto, Portugal


13 October 1955 at Balasar, Oporto, Portugal of natural causes


25 April 2004 by Pope John Paul II

Saint Lubentius

Also known as

Lubencio, Lubenzio, Lubin


Spiritual student of Saint Martin of Tours. Ordained by Saint Maximinus of Trier, he served as parish priest in Kobern, Germany. Evangelist along the river Lahn in the Moselle region of Germany.


• c.370 in Kobern, Germany of natural causes

• interred in the collegiate church of Saint Lubentius in Dietkirchen, Limburg, Germany

• some relics in Kell, Andernach, Germany

• some relics in the Saint Lubentius church in Kobern, Germany

• some relics in Lahnstein, Germany

• some relics in Trier, Germany

Saint Simbert of Augsburg

Also known as

Simpert, Sintbert, Sinthert


Student and monk at Murbach Abbey near Colmar, Alsace, France. Abbot. Bishop of Augsburg, Germany in 778, and continued to function as abbot. Restored ecclesiastical discipline and improved theological studies in his see.


c.809 of natural causes


by Pope Nicholas V

Saint Chelidonia

Also known as

Celidona, Quelidona


Hermitess in a cave near Tivoli, Italy. Benedictine nun at Saint Scholastica Abbey, but lived more as a hermitess than in community.


Ciculum, Abruzzi, Italy


• 1138 of natural causes

• many, including Pope Eugenius III, saw her soul ascend to heaven

• interred in the Church of Saint Scholastic in Subiaco, Italy

Saint Regimbald of Speyer

Also known as

Regimbaut, Regimbeau, Reginbald, Reginbaldus, Reginbold, Reginhard


Benedictine monk at the monastery of Saints Ulric and Afra in Augsburg, Germany. Monk at the monastery in Edersberg, Germany in 1015. Abbot at the monastery in Lorsch, Germany in 1022. Founded the monastery in Heiligenberg, Germany. Bishop of Speyer, Germany in 1032.



Saint Benedict of Cupra


Soldier in the imperial Roman army, stationed at modern Cupra Marittima, Italy. Martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian.


• beheaded on 13 October 304 on the bridge over the river Menocchia in Cupra (modern Cupra Marittima), Italy

• body dumped into the river to wash out to sea

Saint Theophilus of Antioch

Also known as



Convert, brought to the faith through scripture reading. Zealous apologist, both by speaking and by writing, opposing heretics who preached against orthodox Christianity. Bishop of Antioch in 169.


2nd century in the vicinity of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers


c.184 in Antioch of natural causes

Saint Comgan the Monk


Born to the Irish royalty, the son of a prince of Leinster, Ireland; brother of Saint Kentigern, nephew of Saint Fillan. Soldier, wounded in battle with a neighboring clan, he and his sister fled to Scotland where he became a monk at Lochaise.




buried on the island of Iona Abbey, Scotland

Blessed Gebrand of Klaarkamp

Also known as

Gebrand of Bloemkamp


Blessed Gebrand of Klaarkamp (c. 1125-1218) was a Cistercian monk and abbot who was known for his holiness, humility, and wisdom. He was born in Belgium and entered the Cistercian order at a young age. He served as abbot of the Klaarkamp monastery for many years and was known for his strict adherence to the Cistercian Rule.

Blessed Gebrand was also a gifted spiritual writer. His most famous work is the "Liber de duodecim abusivis saeculi" (Book of the Twelve Abuses of the World), which is a satirical treatise on the sins and vices of his day. He also wrote a number of other works, including sermons, letters, and treatises on spirituality.

Blessed Gebrand died in 1218 and was buried at the Klaarkamp monastery. He was beatified by Pope Leo XIII in 1897. 


Foigny, Laonnais (in modern France)


1218 of natural causes

Saint Romulus of Genoa

Also known as

Remo, Romolo, Roemu


Saint Romulus of Genoa was an early Bishop of Genoa, Italy, around the time of Saint Syrus. His dates are uncertain: since Jacobus de Voragine traditional lists compiled from local liturgies generally place his bishopric fourth in a largely legendary list. He fled from Genoa and never returned. He died in the cave he inhabited at Villa Matutiae, a town on the Italian Riviera which later adopted his name, becoming Sanremo (from 15th century until the first half of the 20th century), and later Sanremo.

Veneration. In 876 the bishop Sabbatinus brought his remains to Genoa, to the church of San Siro, where a new structure was consecrated in 1023. Since he was invoked in defence of Villa Matutiæ from its inhabitants during enemy attack, the saint is depicted with episcopal dress and a sword in hand. St Romulus' feast day had been kept on October 13, the traditional date of his death, as well as on December 22. In the Archdiocese of Genoa his feast day is now celebrated on November 6, together with two more of its early bishops: Saint Valentine of Genoa and Saint Felix of Genoa.


c.641 in Matuziano (modern Sanremo), Italy


Sanremo, Italy

Saint Leobono of Salagnac


Saint Leobono of Salagnac (also known as Leobon) was a hermit who lived in the region of Salagnac (now Grand-Bourg), in the diocese of Limoges, France, in the 6th century. He is venerated as a saint by the Catholic Church and his feast day is celebrated on October 13.

Very little is known about Leobono's life. He is said to have been a wealthy man who gave up his possessions and lived a life of poverty and simplicity. He lived in a cave and ate only wild fruits and vegetables. He was known for his holiness and his wisdom.

Leobono was visited by many people who sought his advice and counsel. He was also known for his healing powers. He is said to have cured many people of their illnesses and diseases.

Leobono died in peace in his cave. He is buried in the church of Saint-Pierre in Grand-Bourg.

Saint Leobono is a reminder that we are all called to holiness, no matter what our state of life may be. He is also a reminder that we should be generous with our possessions and help those in need.


relics enshrined in Grand-Bourg, France

Saint Florence of Thessalonica


Saint Florence of Thessalonica was a Christian martyr who was tortured and burned at the stake in 312 AD during the persecutions of Emperor Maximinus Daza. She is commemorated on October 13.

Little is known about Saint Florence's life, but it is believed that she was a young woman who was arrested for refusing to renounce her faith in Christ. She was brought before the prefect of Thessalonica, who ordered her to be tortured. Florence endured the torture with great courage, and she refused to recant her faith.

Eventually, the prefect ordered Florence to be burned at the stake. She faced her death with joy and serenity, and she is said to have prayed for her persecutors. Saint Florence's martyrdom is a reminder of the power of faith and the importance of standing up for what is right, even in the face of persecution.

Saint Florence is venerated as a martyr by both the Catholic and Orthodox churches. She is also the patron saint of the city of Thessalonica in Greece.


burned at the stake in 312 in Thessalonica

Saint Venantius

Also known as

Venancio, Venancius


Married in his youth, with his wife's permission he became a monk and then abbot Saint Martin Abbey in 5th century Tours, France.

Saint Carpus of Troas


First century convert with whom Saint Paul the Apostle (1 Timothy 4:13) says "he had left his cloak." Nothing about him is known with any certainty.

Saint Berthoald of Cambrai

Also known as



Seventh-century bishop of Cambrai, France.Saint Berthoald of Cambrai (also spelled Berthold) was the fifth bishop of Cambrai, in what is now northern France. He is believed to have been born around 600 AD, and he died in 694 AD.

Saint Berthoald lived during a period of great upheaval in France. The Merovingian dynasty was in decline, and the country was plagued by civil war and foreign invasion. Despite these challenges, Saint Berthoald was a dedicated and compassionate pastor. He worked tirelessly to protect his people and to promote peace and reconciliation.

Saint Berthoald was also a great evangelist. He traveled throughout his diocese, preaching the Gospel and establishing new parishes. He was also a supporter of learning and culture. He founded a school at Cambrai, which became a renowned center of learning in the region.

Saint Fyncana


There is a tradition that Saint Fyncana is a Scottish martyr, and that she may have been martyred during the persecutions of the Roman emperor Diocletian in the early 4th century AD. However, there is no historical evidence to support this tradition.

Saint Fyncana is commemorated on both October 9 and October 13. It is not clear why she is commemorated on two different dates, but it is possible that she is commemorated on different dates by different churches or traditions..


in Scotland

Saint Fyndoca


Saint Fyndoca is a martyr of the Catholic Church who is venerated with Saint Fyncana. The two saints are recorded in the Aberdeen Breviary, but no details of their life exist.

There is a tradition that Saint Fyndoca is a Scottish martyr, and that she may have been martyred during the persecutions of the Roman emperor Diocletian in the early 4th century AD. However, there is no historical evidence to support this tradition.

The Chapel of Saint Fyndoca is located on the island of Inishail in Loch Awe, Argyll and Bute, Scotland. It is believed to have been built in the 13th century, and it is thought to have been the parish church of the island at one time. The chapel is now a ruin, but it is still a popular pilgrimage site..


in Scotland

Three Crowns of Cordoba


Three Christian men martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian - Faustus, Januarius and Martial.

The Three Crowns of Cordoba (Spanish: Las Tres Coronas de Córdoba) are three Christian martyrs who were killed in Cordoba, Spain in 304 AD during the persecutions of Emperor Diocletian. They are Saint Faustus, Saint Januarius, and Saint Martial.

The Three Crowns were arrested along with other Christians and brought before the prefect of Cordoba. They were tortured and asked to renounce their faith in Christ. However, they refused to recant, and they were all beheaded.

The Three Crowns of Cordoba are known for their courage and their unwavering faith in the face of persecution. They are venerated as martyrs by the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church.

The Three Crowns are also the patron saints of Cordoba. Their feast day is celebrated on October 13.


burned to death in 304 in Cordoba, Spain

Martyred in the Spanish Civil War

• Àngel Presta Batllé

• Antonio Ayet Canós

• Francesc Mitjá i Mitjá

• Herminio Motos Torrecillas

• Joan Puig Serra

• Ruperto García Arce

• Salustiano González Crespo

• Tomás Pallarés Ibáñez


Saint Lunarie, also known as Saint Leonor, is a 6th-century Breton saint who is the patron saint of the town of Saint-Lunaire, France. He is said to have been the son of King Hoël I of Brittany and his wife, Sainte Pompée. Lunarie was a devout Christian and he dedicated his life to spreading the Gospel in Brittany. He is said to have founded several churches and monasteries in the region.

Lunarie is said to have died around 580 AD. His feast day is celebrated on October 13.

 Parasceve the Younger

Parasceve the Younger (also known as Saint Paraskevi of the Balkans) was a 10th-century Bulgarian saint. She is thought to have been born in the village of Epivata, near the city of Epivatum (now Plovdiv, Bulgaria). She was a devout Christian and she dedicated her life to serving others. She is said to have performed many miracles, including healing the sick and raising the dead.

Parasceve the Younger died in 935 AD. Her relics are kept in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Iași in Romania. She is a popular saint in Romania and other parts of the Balkans.

 Peter Adriano Toulorge

Pierre-Adrien Toulorge (1757-1793) was a French Premonstratensian priest and martyr. He was born in Saint-Martin-de-Cenilly, France, on May 4, 1757, and entered the Premonstratensian Order in 1775. He was ordained a priest in 1783.

During the French Revolution, Toulorge refused to take the oath of loyalty to the new French government, which he considered to be schismatic. He went into hiding and continued to celebrate Mass and administer the sacraments in secret. He was arrested on October 13, 1793, and executed the following day.

Toulorge was beatified by Pope Benedict XVI on April 29, 2012. His feast day is celebrated on October 13.

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